পাতা:দানিএল মুনির চরিত্র.djvu/১৭৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

172 flies expanded their beautiful wings. Birds of the Inost brilliant plumage were building their nests in the trees, or pouring forth sweet songs amopg the branches; for that part of the world is the native country of the peacock, the pheasant, the bird of paradise, and the nightingale. Water was conveyed in pipes from the river to the highest terrace, where it was thrown out in sountains intô a reservoir; from thence it was distributed, probably in artificial showers, over all the gardens. we may suppose that Nebuchadnezzar was walk ing on the uppermost terrace of his gardens, and looking down upon Babylon. From so great a height he could see the whole city, extending many miles on every side; though, asit lay šo farbeneath him, every object appeared greatly reduced in size. The broad streets that separated the squares looked like the gravel walks that are laid out over a large garden, and the people who were passing through them, pursuing their business or their pleasures, resembled somany children, engaged in the sports or ‘following the occupations belonging to insane, and childhood.