পাতা:দেবযান - বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়.pdf/৮

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এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

n c that he creats images of these superior iant t A Yemental translations of certain elements themandets his images sta a system, form in actual worlds; he builds up also desire-worlds of many kinds to which he attaches a strong sense of inner teality, Vol. III, p. 77, f ν We arrive then necessarily at this conclusion that human birth is a ternat which the soil must arrive in a long succession of reliths and that it has had for its previots paratory teens in the succession the lower for his if life $ •ቋ f God; t is God Hitself. God needs its just as we nges od. This universe is the mere visible tangible aspect of love and of the need of love." HENRI BERGSOS