
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কৰু, কাই, করকচ, করুকচি, o করা 9} হস্ত, হস্তিণ্ডগু, নখ, রশ্মি, রাজস্ব the hand, an elephant's trunk, the claw of a beast, a ray of light, royal revenue, tax, tribute. Efstā, zsffori, a storehouse, a granary.

  1. 34, sea salt obtained by evaporation.

দুম, TF#, the soft unrlpe shell of the cocoanut; soft, eatable. safegl, ove, stunted as a plant, checked in growth. করুকন, কটিদেশ, ৰণক্ষণ, the hip. [an ascetic's water-pot. করকা, azstorm, arifgræarten, Ensol, hail, a cocoanut-vessel, worstät, oszger, the lines in the palm of the hand. করজ, মস্তক, অস্থি, নারিকেলমাল, the head, a bone, a cocoanut vessel. taxes. *gs, gruogfift. Atwafaga, a written assessment, levy of ৰুৱ৭, সাধন, frosta, zool, to do, a t, make; an instrument, means, action, act, operation. *sor, «rés, (in compos:) through, by, by means of. করশু, মৌচাক, টুকরী, a honey-comb, a bee-hive, a basket. করতল, হন্তের উপরিভাগ, অধীন, the palm of the hand, a sub jection; subject, under the power of. *Heta, afngi, a cymbal. [ping the hands. করতালী, হস্তদ্ধার অনঘাত করা, id: the beating of time by clapকরপত্র, করাত, জারী, a saw- * zgorz, zzzzz zza, sara, a talking by the fingers or signs. *gotra. werfă, the joined palms formed into a cup. করপাল, করৰাল,—থড়, a sword, a scymetar. করপুট, targers train sal, the joining of the palms as an act of respect and obeisance. করম্ভ, উটের ছান, শিশুহন্তী, শাবক, a young elephant or camel the young of any animal, the metacarpus. sạm, fsại, em==<xí, an action, fate, the actions of a prior birth, liability to their consequences.

  • Antari, gointon, a rosary, a bead-roll. করশাখা, অঙ্গুলী, a finger. ৰূরাটিয়া, করকটিয়া, অবৃদ্ধবৃক্ষ, stunted or checked in growth.

করাণ, wwta, starta, tocause, impel, oblige, cause to do, &c. M 2 - ogle