
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কাল * 105 কারণতা-ত্ব, নিমিত্তত্ব, হেতুত, causality. [sality, creative. কারণীছত, মূলীস্থত, সৃষ্টিকর, become a cause, possessed of caustol, assatsita, auno, a prison, place of confinement. wish, fogi, sist, esota, fowo, an action, act, agency, effect, artist, artificer. কারিকা, ক্রিয়া, ৰfবসায়, নৰ্ত্তকী, বিবরণ, লভ্য, stoni, an act, agency, art, profession; an actress, dancing-woman, an explanatory sentence, interest of money, sharp pain: fem. acting, causing, &c. asso, fowo, a mechanic, a workman. কারিত-ত্ব, কর্তৃত্ব, fafreel, agency, causality. assät, 4to, & oftwo, acting, doing, causing, occasioning. zsfae, ft*r*g, fù*ft**, fef**f**f, an artist, artificer, mechanic, agent, doer, maker, a mechanic art, a trade. *Isa, o, o, a piece of mechanism, a manufacture. *Tsar, Tgl. :eii, compassion, kindness, tenderness. কাকুন্দিয়া, পটু, চালাক, কৰ্ম্মণ্য, expert, active, diligent, useful, fit for use. =T4-ig, args, golazi, Ezagi, cruelty, hard-heartedness, roughness, niggardliness, difficulty, want. zstfäfts, *tarog forg NTR, the seventh Hindoo month. zsfeíaf, arg{&si, parsinony, niggardliness. astofta, or, otoita, cotton, the cotton plant. =rás, argi, ɛzɛ, srstnorr, magic, sorcery, witchcraft. কামুক, ধনুক, ৰাশ, •jē, a bow, a bamboo; expert, skilful. =ref, frại, erytwa, rész, a work, deed, business, affair, employment, undertaking, effect, duty. ąFţsítots, rat F-toro, FITR, sixteen Pans of cowries. কাল, সময়, অবকাশ, মৃত্যু, যম, time, tense, season, period, opportunity, weather, death, regent of death. *ta, *sx4, *Tazá, afas, black, dark-blue, swarthy, tarnished, dirty. =Infrè, afra, filthy, squalid, dirty. কালকূট, $15 fts, a mortal poison, a subtle venom. assass, so, the liver. [season. artwo, who, sing ésso, death, a suitable regard to time or O - ogle