
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

114 কুশল,কুশন,কুশ,*. कछै حه মাত্র, সৰ্বতোভাবে, only, whosly. *g, gravel, lime-stone pebbles. sur;4, a sacred or sacrificial grass. * astrostěw, asarta, to rough-hew timber. কল্যাণ, শুভ, পুণ্য, সামর্থ্য, নিপূর্ণ, সুখী, welfare, happiness, safety, virtue, virtuous act, ability, competency; expert, clever, safe, happy.

    • Totá, fosstät, beneficent, promoting the happiness of

কুশলী, others. H<t, StstÆTT, happy, prosperous. z-itna, tri faffs zu stra, a mat of Cusha grass. কুশী, ফাল, খারা, ক্ষুদ্র কোষী, a ploughshare, a cotton-pod, a কুশীদ, কুশীল, কুন্তর, libation cup. *in,-oforo, wants, usury, a loan. [wicked. দুরাজা, છૂટે. oft, inclined to evil, evil-minded, zotion, otoyoto, a granary, barn, vessel for grain, cupboard. *Rs, fez, leprosy. 3 fat-te, frāl, leprolis; a leper. #arşı, a pumpkin, a gourd. «Twi, zsa, zaxi, a flower, fruit, the menses. virgowri facts, the safflower plant. rsĩafrĩri, *tía, smại, rII=Ri, sleight of hand, sor cery, delusion, deception, fascination. vrsorst, nrşist, erzfg F, Est, a juggler, magician, sor cerer, rogue, cheat. গৰ্ত্ত, ছিদ্র, কর্ণ, a cavity, hollow, hole, rent, the ear. কুন্তু, ontañji, zolfo go, the new moon, the cry of the cuckoo. *zafot, où,-ot, a fog, mist, haze. কুট, শৃঙ্গ, রাশি, কলসী, ধাতু, হাতড়া, ফাল, ফাদ, মায়া, কপট, মিথ, won, a mountain-peak, summit, heap of grain, water-jar, elementary substance, hammer, mallet, plough-share, a snare, trap, illusion, fraud, deceit, salsehood; false, low, vile. कूऎश्, fg, siswi, sisa,fixed, uniform, unchangeable, elemen tary, perpetually the same, as the soul, &c. - ogle