
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

D ICT I O N A R Y, &c. জ. _ अ, co -rwT er ers, stFI "Tree TV, a prefix negative or privative. «s, «ríqs; argsfrs, yon, yonder, there. wæt, sist, a share, part, division. wors, witHo, included in a share or part. w-of-w, fort.*, distinct shares, an allotment. wa-ust-fet, orazotą 51st Fai, division into shares. wist, story of Goff, sharing, participating; a partner. অ•শু, কিরণ, a ray. squillity. woot, -to, wasud, quiet, unagitated; quietness, tranzzza, fríg unmerciful, unfeeling. [of reproach). ww.stas, staff offo wo, having the ears nnbored (term অকৰ্ম্ম, +ton; fon, useless, fit for nothing; a bad action. warra, eros, setts, inartificial, genuine. true. solo, or, by chance, suddenly, unawares. “sstä, wing; worsts, premature, out of season; a famine. wfoss, Roo, destitute, poor, quite needy. sons, offs, wanting, unprovided, not at hand. *Its, so, the ocean. srsei, șertara, unmerciful, inexorable. vērā, vsfsffs, smeared, plastered, anointed. [ment. won, Longifos, irregularity, confusion, want of arrangesfēņi, starv, inaction, inoperativeness, irreligioh. A. -- -് lc