
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

140 १ोद्धौं soil, starottst, oftfozoitet, a bug, the green flying bug. গপ, ইতিহাস, জনশ্রুতি, কথোপকথন, ****, a story, legend, report, chit-chat, tattle, talk. sifowtạt, atstw, zręstāt, TFfrgi, talkative, garrulous, babbling, talking. [chat. গপা, ৰকুয়া, বকনি, a tattler; garrulous; tittle-tattle, chit •raga, zotērsors, *isoft rew, to cast the young, bring forth abortively, miscarry, fail in an enterprise. starsts, fastnya, Rio, to spoil, vitiate, do clumsily. •ral, srs, firsts, a cow, a simpleton. •rates, ozool, a small round window, an air-hole. stetss, Et, sofortA, a skinner, currier, tanner. •3, foot coil, pregnant, with young (as a cow). গৰ, গোসম্বন্ধীয়, দুখাদি পঞ্চত্ৰৰf, of, belonging to, or fit for a cow, produced from a cow, (as milk, butter, cow-dung:) a herd of cows, a bow-string. গৰুতি, मूहै। vrt", a measure of two Cos. •rsfs, fogs, Afon, a ray of light, a sun or moon-beam. *reta, siga,-fira, sersar"t-6 fäfrg, deep, profound, grave, thick, impervious. গম, গোধূম, wheat. onn, own, stat, own, motion, movement, a going, march, progress, coition. spratstow, sixton, sterstö, intercourse, free communication, coming and going. [Iing, fit for use. swats, swati, sf.rsss, accessible, passable, fit for travelstar, srvar, sitstrări, rrieu, ziafrsar, practicable, acces- sible, attainable, worthy to be visited or associated with. গয়ার, গয়ের,—ঙ্গেঙ্গা, খুণ্ডু, phlegm, saliva. orgū, rotatist, residing at, or a man of Gaya. sigste, swawel artestaf, a goitre or wen. sign, fos, zoos, venom, poison, virus. staff, fostol, foss?, venomous, poisonous. [face. sista, stafasi,–siersws, deep rooted, far below the surorrisool, story, tol, a pailing, rail, palisade. & - ogle