বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

154 গ্রহণ গোসপ, গোসাপ,—গোধিক, the guana. corrorist, stol, a grape. গোহালী, গোহাইন্স,–গোগ্ৰহ, a cow-house. [or its capital. zoos, stasars, wrk, so zoo, the central part of Bengal xììy-ì, eỹuifs *ạt, rum distilled from molasses. rsna, wrf«far, wάττει, fraw, inferior, subordinate; inferiority, delay. [yellow, pale red. গেীর, গৌরাঙ্গ, sgo, 'its, ro, fair, white, pure, clean, zogA, SFS, ce GT, GTII, Ts., greatness, importance, respectability, majesty, glory, honour, grandeur, weight, reverence, respect, increase. zostw, rots, jo, white, fair, handsome. zřst, senast și rari, otišt, a young girl, maid, virgin, Pârvati, one of the Shaktis. - zohâtette, critwe, the lower stone or female part of the Lingazonfrol, saurs, a girl before menstruation. sig, ofs", a book, writing, composition, volume. গ্ৰন্থৰ, মিম্বায়ক, লেখক, কড়ার, মালার সূত্ৰ, a builder, writer, &c. cement, the thread of a necklace. গুস্থল, রচল, fraffe, riesige, to string beads, arrange, place in order, build, plat, knot, work in wicker, &c. compose, write, compile, catalogue. wfoots, forgi, a joint, knuckle, tie, knot, knob. sfors, soft, asso, strung, arranged, composed, &c. arwifsw is effie, possessed of many books. safers, wrots, stoirs, swallowed, eaten, received into a hollow or socket, involved in, affected with, eclipsed. souts, storssätsä wo, the setting of aluminary eclipsedগ্রহ, মাদাম, ধরণ, অধ্যবসায়, জ্ঞান, বোধ, সূর্ধ্যাদি নৰ, acceptance, reception, seizure, hold, tenacity, perseverance, understanding, comprehension, a planet. এহণ, হন্তে জওন, প্রাপণ, জঙ্গীকরণ, বুৰম, রাহুগুপ্ত toos, to seize, catch, take, receive, allow, assent, hold, apprehend, comprehend, assume; an eclipse.
