
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

226 তোড়া rsworx, otoștift forts, the leaf of a species of cassia. তেজস্বী, সচেষ্ট, প্রতাপাম্বিত, লঘুতার অসহিষ্ণু, ñfewg, ardent, energetic, active, high-spirited, luminous, splendid, famous. [pungent. rsați, srig, îfema, îă, active. energetic, bright, hot, refers, wrifas, stfoss, whetted, sharpened, polished. burnished. [ing. তেড়া, বক্র, টেরস, टऐज़ामूटेि, crooked, warped, awry, squintrota, fours, to wet, moisten, make damp. rsstm, fsīrsintqu: fr, three storied, having three stories. zzorregg, etors anà, a wide-extended plain. [manner, sozors, zons,—rootersto, such, similar, like that; in that zsofa, firsts root, so, even so, in that manner; such. তেজচাটা, তেলাপোকা—আরসুলা, a cockroach. z sari, fs Fa, fas, oily, greasy. tsotati, ènaj, turqi, forstfirst forts, a soldier, anative of the Telinga coast, a species of red ant. তেলাটিয়া, তৈলাক্ত, smelling of or stained with oil, oily. ८डर्जी, তৈলিক,—কলু, an oilman, an oil presser or seller. তৈজস, fersanf# faffs ajar, xf#*rg, metalic, made of metal. ofesss, sorát, of or relating to the Yajir Veda, studying the Yajür Veda. ésraärga, sqrárael, a follower of the Yajiir Veda. èzn. tzw,—fsnitz, ani, oil, fat, unctuous matter. èsma, ra" fat-ts, sawita, trai, the Telinga coast, a soldier. *son, osmotifs, resists, a cockroach. তৈলঙ্কটিক, Root, amber or some similar gem. *satos, footfish, seeds &c. from which oil is expressed. rsts, Toss, jeo, a child, offspring, son or daughter. roto-1, onforts coast, the violence of a stream. rSTFT-Tatta, Gez, Storz, fGFwCgo, forwT, to break, to change money for smaller coin, to dishonor, calumniate, criminate, abuse. rsryū, with its $15, a mouldering bank or precipice. zsson, org, Atari, an ornament for the wrist. [house. তোড়, থৈলী, পরছড়া, a purse, bag of money, the eaves of a ogle