
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

248 टैश्य two, statutor, woff, viforntos, fit to be given, that ought to be given, due, payable. rF-, «fortz ers, ETFel, TTF, Ton, a country, region, province, tract, spot, place, side, part of the body. [where. tong, "ifos, arts, so, full, abundant, pervading, every দেশাধিপ, দেশাধিপতি,—অধিরাজ, রাজ্যাধিকারী, a sovereign, king, ruler, governor. treits, trzog stal, the boundary of a country, a frontier. votos, flow, was two, a foreign country. two-y, co-wre, rotarotto, cocots, natural to or produced in a country, of or belonging to a country. to, -iña, offs, the body, matter, material nature, stature, constitution. zovits, ags, *ātāoron, dying, death, the falling of the body. roots, ströfss, saw, wrotofo, unembodied, spiritual, immaterial, incorporeal. vært gatst, witwifwrger, Rifsæ, attributing spirituality to matter, a materialist. [the embodied soul. x#, “t##ì, “l#tạss, ứữR, corporeal, material, embodied; rotorso, “totsu, *Totsav, born in the body, inborn, natural. ੇ,` s'da, an Asur, demon, titan, an evil genius. দৈন্য, দরিদ্রতা, কৃপণত, poverty, want, wretchedness, cringing, meanness. [mean. *Rast, Ho, fox, *s, indigent, poor, needy, wretched, দৈৰ, অদৃষ্ট, কৰ্ম্মভোগ, বিধাতা, ঐশ্বরিক,দেবাধীন, destiny, fate, the consequences of the actions of a former birth, providence, an incident, misfortune; divine, celestial, religious, sacred, providential. हैसदरुद्धी, qatfr, religious acts or ceremonies, as sacrifices, &c. [teller. দৈৱজ্ঞ, গণক, an astrologer, caster of nativities, fortune*Taruto, forgos, a divine impulse or interposition. ềrszstrot, tsar,-sờt•, ssans, providentially, by divine interposition, by chance, accidentally, unexpectedly, from above. --- gle