
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

fबङ्गडम 283 নিয়ম, মিয়াম,—জাদেশ, মিশর, মিরপণ, স্বীকার, কৰ্ত্তৰ কৰ্ম্ম, ৰুত, frog, a regulation, rule, law, engagement, agreement, contract, bargain, condition, stipulation, league, assent, promise, religious observance, vow or voluntary penance, certainty, ascertainment. fagnottist, ontors, itstow, regular, subject to rules, stipu. lating, agreeing. - নিয়মান্বিত, নিয়মিত,—fমণীত, নিধারিত, স্বীকৃত, স্থিরীকৃত, স্থাপিত, regulated, regular, subject to rule, orderly, covenanted, stipulated, agreed on, appointed, fixed, settled. নিয়ামক, নিয়মকৰ্ত্ত, আদেষ্ট, দাড়ী, সাৰথি, regulating, superintending, &c. a regulator, ruler, a boatman, pilot, steersman, charioteer. নিযুক্ত, পদপ্রাপ্ত, আজ্ঞাপিত, প্রবৃত্ত, পরায়ণ, appointed to an office, constituted, commanded, engaged in, devoted or applying to. [manding. forgota, ceras, appointing to office, constituting, comfans, so wo, a million. [pugilism. fলযুদ্ধ, লড়ালড়ি, ৰাছযুদ্ধ, a close fight, wrestling, fisty cuffs, fazştzt, ornegiere, rstri, ré, one who appoints to office, one who enjoys, a commander. fortgtsi, otrostora, stuni, fafe, wzortforza", appointinent to office, an order, command, a precept, a consti tution, zealous application, devotedness to an object. - foto, crosso, ordering, commanding, appointing. fazato, “innotor, reras, stro-ra, to appoint to office, designate, employ, fix, destine to a profession, enjoin, command. foot, stortar, wavo, wax, not sharing, not inheriting, disinherited, without a partner, single. নিরঙ্কুশ, «Trifts, "Tza, unrestrained, unchecked, free, un controlled, self-willed. নিরঞ্জম, মির্ম, পুখ, মিকাঙ্ক, দেৰমূৰ্ত্তি বিসর্জন, pure, holy, free N n 2 - Coogle