
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

832 পীড়ম পিন্থপ্রসু, সৰrাকাৰ, टेदकांज, the evening twilight, evening. froza, writz, a cemetery, place of burning or burial. forzar, forztz Etsi, a paternal uncle. [forefathers. forms, *toga, an ancestor, ancestors, progenitors, fors, nią bile, bilious humour, gall. পিত্তল, ধাতু বিশেষ, brass. for, forêy, paternal, of or relating to a father. fortra, sts TR, viszi, Eyst, orrest, a cover, lid, top, a wrapper, covering, dress, a cloak. forq=s, viga, osts,fi stoo, to put on clothes, to dress. servital, wool, ost, thirst, drough", desire. পিপাস, পিপালিত, পিপাসু-তৃক্ষত, ইচ্ছুক, atuirst, thirsty. freitsi, foi nfnsi,—"sta stà fort", an ant, the small red ant. rep, festst,—ssa fit-ta, the long pepper. fetva. чич“. Зs, the holy or sacred fig tree. forgot, eitão, tasks, os, a footman, a messenger. forgra, era Fgta, Hai tre R, to give or cause to drink water. পিয়ার, ফল বিশেষ, a guava. forgtori, witnetra, a drinking glass or cup, a tea cup. forth, oat, offrost, thirst, desire to urink. fora, «stal,–tstifJw, El, an unfledged bird, young animal. পিল, পিলুই,–প্লাহ, the spleen, enlargement of the spleen. Forst s, tors, a fiend, imp. spectre, malignant demigod. forfarz, orara, arton, GFU, flesh, meut. পিণ্ড, অন্ত্রী, a fiea. পিণ্ডন, কুষ্টু, কপাস, কাৰু, চর, থল, দুষ্ট, অধম, মুড়, জঙ্গম, saffron, cotton, a crow, a spy; crucl, wicked, vile, low, stupid, foolish. r»rga, zúa, to grind, rub, bruis2, pound. [meats. পিঔঞ্চ, পৃপ, foibi, sīt, a cake of flour or meal, bread, baked vibs, wiga, Eton, to beat, strike, hammer out, beat down. *, *s, *istors, fo, prots, the back, a page of a book, side of a leaf, a seat, stool, chair, an idolpedestal. a terrace. ovts, of outs orw, places where Durgā is worshipped. «ñşa, ges tres, qara, terta, forry-t, to ache, smart, give - -gle