
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

65에 349 sias, origeifss, au, arsist, prostrate, humble, bending, inclined. [tion, prostration. stofs, estatn,–aarsts, erforts, a bow, obersance, salutazraz, zazną ntf sta, šērā, the mystic syllable Om. প্রণয়, প্রেম, অনুরাগ, আত্মীয়ত, পরিচয়, মেল, সঙ্কি, love, affection, fondness, regard, friendship, intimacy, familiarity, acquaintance, concord, union, agreement, peace. [timate. trait, wastin, writy, affectionate, fond, friendly, inથઈટે, ধুম্ভ, ruined, spoiled, lost. spectful. sratât. aw*[§t, aúfaae, bowing, saluting, prostrate, reserstfelzet, ars, feigt, saäl, wel, zwan, a tube, tubular vessel, vein, a water-pipe, a conduit. ॐ१tठी, স্কুলী, জানুপূৰ্বী, #ife, statorf5, a water-course, drain, issue from a pond, a continued series, a habit, custom, the course or stream of custom. erarot, won, ee ests, offs, destruction, perdition, ruin, loss. zণিধান, মনোযোগ, অবগতি, ধ্যান, গ, ব্যগুত, অভিলম্বিত, প্রবেশ, attention, fixed thought, deep meditation, effort, stress, energy, regard, an object of desire, access, entrance. affaff, ertesai, firgin, gia, 53, a request, solicitation, engagement, agreement, a place, situation, a spy, an emissary. [rence, prostration. effaoirs, zrzrgta, Hesa" esafn, a salutation, obeisance, reveপ্রণিহিত, সমপিড, গচ্ছিত, স্থাপিত, প্রাপ্ত, স্বীকৃত, নিম্পন্ন, delivered, consigned, entrusted, placed, fixed, deposited, obtained, received, acquired, acknowledged, decided, settled. determined. প্রণীত, সংস্কৃতাগ্নি, পঙ্ক মণসাদি, কৃত, রচিত, প্রেরিত, ক্ষিপ্ত, ●धदिठे, consecrated fire, cooked, dressed, made, done, constructed, composed, sent, thrown, entered, approached. [docile, tractable. erzas, zagoita, Torsior, amiable, agreeable, submissive, BBBBS BBBS BBBS BBBS BBDDS DDDS DDDS DDDS BBS ardor, zeal, courage, high spirit, jealousy of - ogle