
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

368 প্ৰাণেশ eitãasitors, āfēgs, *tatswoot, tradition, ancient story. প্রাচীন, পূর্বকাল, 4ütol, antiquity, old age. ertälä, way, rol, a fence, wall, hedge, inclosure. eitsis, areas, fasts, plenty, sufficiency, abundance. etsj, •tatûè sìta •t fafsa w*, the country South and East of the Sharābati. প্রাজাপত্য, ৰিবাহ সংস্কার বিশেষ, স্বাগ বিশেষ, ৰুত বিশেষ, a form of marriage by gift, a particular sacrifice, a peculiar penance. [clever. প্রাজ্ঞ, পণ্ডিত, বুদ্ধিমান, নিপুণ, learned, wise, skilful, sensible, ertson, sign, RTS, honest, upright, sincere, liberal. etwf, *** *scots, the joined hands open and hollowed. errors, fostol, a judge, a magistrate. প্রাণ, নিশ্বাস, বায়ু, $ta, breath, vital air, life, the soul. প্রাণগ্রহণ, tàxxteroga, to take away an animal's life, to kill. erfagfsą, estastë,–zst, Hogfgg, stą RT**, murderous, deadly, fatal, mortal, destroying life. erfasstst, stawatot, Nga, the relinquishing of life, death. eitonio, forgen, qtā, a husband, (so addressed by his wife.) প্রাণপণ, জাৰদায়, অত্যন্ত প্রয়াস, ধুৰ, the staking or hazarding of life, great exertion, strong effort, zeal. estazifon, feron, totaño", dear as life! resembling life! erfaerfsst, trasfg efsatz 5 staarin, the consecration or ina mimation of an idol. ertafrig, fergsa, waaf, voc. beloved of my soul! effaqq, xiào zoo, animated matter. [like the life. etazin, etazinta, –fergen, stazor, dear as life, very dear, effol, hotos, gal, murderous, deadly, mortal; a murderer. eafoot, orant", göl, an injury to life, murder. estatists, Håta ota, a living body, the vessel of the soul. etafir*, *ifsfas, oleif, one dearer than life, a son, &c. enatoto, oftwants arosła, a mode of breathing during mental prayer. [ing, an animal. eità, iro, "total, wo, living, vital; an animated beertzo", ertzartz,–xtfrīzvietą af Ff, a husband, (so addresscď by his wife,) i. e. lord of my life! --ജി