
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

প্রেষণ 371 ers, f&wa *ffstst, the forenoon, the morning. fas, rosetts, fos, wroton, beloved, dear, amiable, agreeable, grateful, pleasant. |sant. forgo, wrato, wrotgeiz, amiable, exciting regard, pleasegro, forgetà, foxià, saying agreeable things. estan, çfs, «Gfs, vifas, satisfaction, fulness, satiety. প্রীত, স্মিথ, প্রেমপাত্র, তৃগু, यूडे, beloved, esteemed, satisfied, happy, pleased. * eीठि, थकङ्ग, टञ्चश्, e७थेङ्ग, વૃદેિ, stats, ass, of s, love, affection, esteem, regard, gratification, enjoyment, pleasure, satisfaction. eীতিমান, দেহযুক্ত, esqặt, no. Hm, loving, affectionate, kind. tzw. stos, -iș, a nail, a peg, a pin. ..[see, discern. terra, warmtow, orga, to view, survey, observe, behold, tersra, own, onton, wryn, to hang, be pendent, swing, shake. tersti, twist, a swing, hammock, travelling litter. ters, qa, forts, wortà, departed, deceased; a ghost, spirit, goblin, spectre, fiend. প্ৰেতকৰ্ম্ম, প্ৰেতকাৰ্য,—ঐদ্ধদেধিকানক্রিয়, starfèfFy, funeral ce remonies, obsequies. zero offe, orn, Yama or the regent of death. terof, otgston, in the next world, in the world of spirits. zersaầ, è rząst, the river of hell or Hindoo Styx. প্রেম, স্নেহ, প্রণয়, ৰাৎসল্য, ৰজুতা, রতি, ক্রীডt, love, affection, attachment, tenderness, intimacy, friendship, pleasure, enjoyment, pastime, sport, fondling, caressing. - [acquaintance. terist, rot?, firs, offse, loving, affectionate; a friend, rerara, togi, sus, roots, m. & f dear, best beloved. প্রেরণ, পাঠাম, জাদেশন, fমযোজন, প্রবৃত্তি জন্মান, to send, despatch, give orders, command, appoint, delegate, instigate, cause. [nander. zeszfgest, cerF+, ontcnolog, one who sends or orders, a comপ্রেরিত, পাঠান, লিষোজিত, প্রয়োজ্য, সম্বাদক, দূত, sent &c; a mes senger, ambassador, apostle. rose, oft&ta, stora, to send, order, command, direct.