
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

3S4 বলিত - close, firm, squeezed together, staunched, stopped, confirmed in a habit or vice, &c. ৰদ্ধক, রক্তপাতনিৰারক, a stiptic. [ration. aws, rows.g, afflicted with a cold or checked perspiatt, ost, murder, slaughter, an execution, killing. attir, wtgs, ston, to kill, slay, murder, smite, wound. assists, atts, stanto, goto, deserving death, worthy of death, vulnerable. attask, wrotnifo, a promiscuous or reciprocal slaughter. বধিক, zĘt,—sotsTË, Fet, murderous,sanguinary; a murderer. afts, eatsfägårn, own, deaf hard of hearing, stunned. gg, gg –ğ, gfú1, *ttog oiğ:*a woman, a wife, a son's wife. ৰম, অরণ্য, কালন, বিপিন, উজ্জন্ট স্থান, জঙ্গল, a forest, desertwood, grove, thicket, an uncultivated place, or one full of weeds &c. ৰনচর, বনচারক,—জঙ্গলী, অৰুণrবাসী, অরণ্যবেড়ালিয়া, wild, sylvan. travelling or dwelling in forests. awa, wom, agrasts on, wild, sylvan, produced in a forest. zostrot, votostgs, an entrance upon the life of an ascetic. zowsers, ros;fow, fois, the Indian cuckoo. o - awarfit, sagarorist, serit. residing in a forest: an anchoriteदमभानूध, छूग्नाज्, दृश* दाबह foots, a wild man, the ouran outan. zamāt, Fa, artạrga, Crishna. awatu, fio, vis’ifs, the lion or king of the forest. [&c.) 3-stö, -irsts: swift. forest-adorning, beautiful (shrubs ৰনম্পতি, পমস জুস্বরানি, পুপৰিনা ষে বৃক্ষের ফল জন্মে, trees bearing fruit without flowers. - aws, writ, wizar, wasfoto, ontots, wild, savage, forest; a hermit, an ascetic. [a thing prepared. arri, srnorrsif, ergs rg. a preparation (of food, &c.) ৰমান, রচন, করণ, নিৰ্ম্মাণ, গঠন, আল্লাদি রন্ধন, to make, manufacture, build. fabricate, fraine, mould, to pre pare or cook food, &c. antą, afg,—saristgal, erag, eterg, intimacy, friendship, love, @ affection. [a mistress. *fasi, o, Tsoi, som a woman, a wife, a beloved wife. - ogle