
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

चञाँ"ड़ 37 wikiël, staat, accounts, book-keeping. wì, coitings, flour, meal, bird-lime, viscid matter. জাটাপার, নেছনেঞ্জিয়, ropy, strings. জাটাল, আঠাৰখ viscid, gluey, gummy. জাটালু, আঁটালী, a tick. [in the eighth month. wiètifs, firásos", stupidity, folly; character of one born wièritsi, owntowns, born in the eighth month. wife, oral, a sheaf, bundle of straw, fruit-stone. wrotot, nes, pride, self-importance, assumption. wièss, so rew, to be obstructed, entangled, detained. wièvra, efoxwn, to obstruct, impede, arrest, imprison, tighten, curb, withhold support. wrot, frosta, bird-lime, gum, slime,paste, size. wtf?, sfè, īru, a fruit-stone. [or bend, width. wry, Öss, cowl, aslant, leaning across, sideways; a crook wrosse, wrestà, a pilot; a rod. *Tot?-i, refoot?, a cross beam in a building. wrotrol, wrotrol, stabling; temporary erection. ots), a mart, manufactory, collection of idols. asswil, strong desire, covetousness, communication. आङ्गडे, cramped, stiff, benumbed. wrog, the warehouse of a monopolist. [cross. so, cow, to bend, become crooked, lie athwart, to șerterşi, sini, artă, a cudgel, bludgeon. wrotto, warszo, through and through, obliquely, across. wrots, ora, all over, through width and heigth. জাড়ম্বর, যুদ্ধে ঢাকের শব্দ, আরম্ভ, a trumpet charge, war drum, roar of an elephant; commencement, exces sive preparation, excitement, pride, anger, apology, passion, pleasure, eye-lid, friction to - remove pain. versa, afluortug, warehouse of a forestaller or monopolist. wrzim, gn, sivi, brink or edge of a bank. wroe, saw, “Fø, cramped, stiffened, benumbed. জাঙ্কস, জঙ্গালমুক্ত, neglected, unnoticed, lying as refuse. wrot, oftoo, bent, laid across; a fish-trap, a beam. बगङ्क्रः > p S་བཱུ་ 3. o, --ogle