
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

482 ভাত هیه জুন, যুক্ত, দুৰ, ঘুৰি পাৱল, বায়ুগ্ৰন্থি, কুঁৰ, চক্র, अधfछेन, चाश, a misconception, error, mistake, blunder, oversight, slip, forgetfulness, a whirling or going round, an eddy, whirlpool, whirlwind, a turner's lathe, a potter's wheel, a roaming, wandering, respect, credit, reputation. জুমণ, ৰেড়াম, ঘূর্ণ, চুঙ্কল, ঙ্কের, যাত্ৰt, to wander about, roam, ramble, traverse, take the air, perambulate, turn round, whirl, err, mistake; a tour, turn, circuit, ramble, voyage. $nā, "tofagi, travelling, wandering, roaming, roving. फुयविनिडे. छूकमिड्रा, mistaken, erroneous, mistaking, &c. swą, suit,—sson, nisz, m. & f. the large black bee. BBS BBS BBDS iDS DDS DDS BBBBS BBS BDS DDS - a whirling or going round, an eddy, whirlpool, whirlwind, a lathe, potter's wheel, vertigo, dizziness, giddiness, fainting, a swoon, stupor, forgetfulness, error, mistake. জুমী, বুরুশিয়া, wifso, whirling, revolving, &c. a sceptic. ভুই, দুই, ৰিগড়িত, লম্পট, মদ, মই, খন্ত, পদচ্যুত,ভাজ, fallen from virtue, depraved. corrupted, dissolute. vicious, deflowered, defiled, ravished, violated, seduced, obscene, degraded, deposed, fallen from office, displaced, superseded, parched, baked, roasted, fried, toasted. [rupter. ફુવાર, ants stā, assz, a ravisher, defiler, violator. corફૂટબત્ત, बडेडा,अनजुभ, depravity, a fallen state, degradation. জুষ্ট, ৰভিচারিণী, *ēl, an adultress, a strumpet, a violated or dissolute female. , [religion. खूडेछिाछ, YIrIstz, f(xi, depraved conduct, heterodoxy in জুষ্টামি, मूडेiमि. नडेडी, depravity, pollution, villainy, vice. ভুeাশঙ্কা, wrotors, jealousy of a wife. yo, fore, forwan, bile, the bilious humour. ভুঞ্জিং শোভাম্বিত,বিজুই.স্কৃতভূষণ, splendid, shining, gaudy, ele- gant in dress, &c. decorated with ornaments. wis, six-as forqors, a brother, friend, kin, kindred. gle