
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হদৰক 487 astus, femifs, ornjol, onserots, another sect or method, &c. alteration; altered, otherways. [tary. »stranfi, »tretta, critera, vrši, a follower, partizan, secsons, ostos, oriestsiri, the sentiments received and rejected, distinct opinions; approved and disapproved, liked and disliked. wwfwfs, vitasfa •ritata, ffww wv, wsxvw, approbation and disapprobation, diversity of sentiments. মত্তি, অনুমান, ৰোধ, বুদ্ধি, জ্ঞান, প্রবৃত্তি, মুক্তা, opinion, understanding, intellect, mind, conscience, intelligence, judgment, will, inclination, desire, a pearl. [brained. মতিছিন্ন, মভিছন্ন,—হতবুদ্ধি, ক্ষিপ্ত, deranged, delirious, crackedafarg, Hrvata, razrit, wise, reflecting. sensible, judicious. , পন্থী, wronts, ow, a sect, party. [formably with. , starizitza, «targ, according to, agreeably to, conমাতাঙ্গ, ৰিভোজ, হৰ্ষিভ, ৰfগ্রমনং, উৎকট, গৰ্বমুক্ত, কামাসক্ত, forefix, ifos, corrow, intoxicated, drunk, overpowered with joy, delighted, enthusiastic, eager, in rut, furious, proud, lewd, &c. mad, @ insane, foolish, raging, infatuated. x<>rg, «tas\<=ts2, zgeta, rus, x-ti, envious, covetous, nig gardly; envy, rancour, a gnat, musquito. as xas, arro, or, a fish, an avatar of Vishnu. wo-sissal, rol, osty, ow, coarse sugar, sugar-candy. as son, wroton oro, the kingfisher. zvrst, args, witntyn, to churn, agitate violently, stir up. sfwrs, wfzatfïws, fawfn twfa, churned, &c; butter-milk. DS DDSDBBDDB BBB BBS BBS BBBS BB BBBS DDDSBBBS BBS কামক্রোধাদি, দ্বপ, মত্ত হস্তির গগুলিঃসৃত রস, wine, spirit, intoxication, drunkenness, insanity, infatuation, enthusiasm, delight, pleasure, joy, desire, passion, pride, arrogance, a liquor flowing from the temples of an elephant in rut. www, forws &sk, wool, a narcotic medicine, an opiate, a confectioner. _ *

劇 - ogle