
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

492 মঙ্গাস্ট্রি মন্ত্ৰণীয়, যুক্তিসিদ্ধ, মন্ত্রপাঠে বশীকরণীয়, বিবেচনীয়, advisable re

  • . . quiring the use of charms, &c. demanding ... " consideration, deserving of consultation.
  • Tats, SF, aspiritual preceptor or initiator. মশ্রিত, মন্ত্রপাঠে সাধিত, পরামৃষ্ট, consecrated by religious for

mula, advised, counselled. মন্ত্রী, পরমর্শদাতা, রাজপাত্র, অমাত্য, ধীসচিৰ, a counsellor, adviser, monitor, a king's minister, statesman. now, wrots, wiew, produced from churning; butter. wwa, new, witutya, tors, to churn, agitate violently, stir - up, to agitate in conversation ; a churn. sRã, ữìưi, sun, qỹ, #", risis, ##*, slow, tardy, lazy, dull, stupid, large, bulky. মস্থান, মন্থনদণ্ড, স্বাগরী, a churning-stick. BBS BBBBS BBBS BBBS BDDDS BBBS DS gkS DDBS BDS থল, অপরিকৃত, জলস, চিল, ধীর, মৃদু, অনুষ্ক, জড়, অপটু, মুখ, রোগী, জপ, অসুস্থূল, ধীরে, শনৈ, শমি, bad, evil, vie, sad, sinister, unlucky, infamous, scandalous, vicious, wicked, immodest, shameless, miso chievous, nasty, dirty, idle, lazy, tardy, dull, sluggish, slow, gentle, mild, slow as a tune, cold, phlegmatic, stupid, foolish, ill, sick, little, small, dim; gently, slowly; Saturn. wwqytz, warstw, the neap-tides. [stream. মন্দটান, অলপভাট, To roto, slack-water, a slow and gentle woxima, gai was, to wron, to dislike, disapprove, detest, hate. [hatred. ww.wta-1, fost, gol, cours, dislike, disgust, disesteem, মন্দ২, কুৎসিতরূপে, •osis, in a bad manner, ill, slowly. aws, wrie facts, a fabulous mountain. wo-tra, wife's axe isozois worrow, the space between the f breast and the navel. [worthless. xxi, zRar, aq... swf, www.far, cheap, slow, slack, little, ww.foot, orwi, the celestial Ganges. Ishame.

      • , Ä. wsi. modesty, bashfulness, shame-facedness, **, *, *tts, a slow or bad digestion, indigestion.

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