
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মণিৰক 501 stata, sists effora, to send or cause one to beg. solicit,&c. মাচা-ন, মঞ্চ,ভার,কুঁড়িয়া,ashelf, scaffold, platform, raised shed. sist și, foršt, zèfir, a bench, stool, chair. - आोष्ठ, nazis, sta, ars, a fish. बाईी, afowl, Hoi’s so, a fly, any winged insect. mệtson, atstfeoil,–argzè, yoia, penurious, parsimonious, niggardly, sordid, stingy. wool. x*xistovità, rufogi, a fishmonger, a fisherman. बाडूझानी, zafoto it, a fishwoman, a fisherman's wife. মাজ, sifar, stattā,-sistf, sqg, the midst, middle, centre. अछाम, পুচন, wrass, to clean, wipe, scour, scrub, polish. wraal, wroto, “if of{r, something requiring to be scoured, &c. [as a disorder. arwarri, qørsygą, wsz, inwardly dead, internally mortal अोक्को, afèzows, swim, the loins, the waist. [man. arfáð, MAN,—ssíefN, =rifræ, a steersman, helmsman, boatমাকুরী, আসন বিশেষ, a sort of fine matting, a mat. wfatwiso, of firsscot, worro, moderately, temperately, middlingly, midway. [central. wrotă, worfire, asso, middling, moderate, temperate, wizar, Nzky,ongzo, in the midst,in, within, among, between. মাটি, srna, stari. *ra, slow, sluggish, lazy, bad. মাটী, sfews, off, earth, soil, clay, sand, &c. the ground. wièrstöl, orns, contfugi, a digger of the ground, a pioneer. worst, ergal, own, otiffs, earth coloured, brown, earthen. মাঠ, ভেপাত্তর গো চারণেরভূমি,a plain,field, pasture, meadow. प्राळेt, v Trn, STF, buttermilk, sour milk. [on a plain. stata, wool,-starvity, stafos, belonging to or situated afra, wifts, out of doors, in the open air. [paste. মাতৃ, rsan,ns,two, a raft, rice-water, rice-gruel,starch, assa, was now, ribson, Wian, to thresh, tread out corn, to bruise, rub on a stone, grind, stamp, press, trample, beat down, flatten, make smooth. stry, wife,—friw, sfars, wann, a back or double tooth, the gums. [kin, a childish man. মাণৰক, উপনয়মযোগ্য ৰালক, ৰালকৰ মানুষ, a youth, a mani - o gle