ষোজৰ। * * 531 ৰোগ, মিলন,একীকর,সংশ্লেষ,মিশ্র,সম্বৰ,মেল,শেষোৎপন্ন উপযুক্তত, উপায়, প্রাপ্তি, বিশেষ সময়, মুফতিথি, শুভ কাল, রাশিচক্রের সপ্ত ৰিশতিতম ভাগ, চিত্তের একাগ্রতা, সমাধি, পাতঞ্জল দর্শন, union, junction, uniting, combination, contact, addition, mixture, connexion (as of cause and effect, subject and predicate,) result, conse- quence, fitness, propriety, an expedient, acquisition, a juncture, lucky conjuncture, the 27th part of a great circle, religious abstraction, intense meditation on the divinity, one of the six philosophical systems. zutstry, rá frírral, a supply of materials to a bricklayer or other workman. waterifson, tutoria, stafagi, ostà, a bricklayer's labourer. যোগান, নির্বাহ করণ, কুমান, চালান, witHR, to supply or provide materials, make provision for, furnish necessaries, superintend, manage, set to work,&c. tutorsfoot, fairs, ossfirm, staifasi, supplying, furnishing with, &c. a superintendant, overseer. যোগাসন, যোগ সাধনের উপকাৱি আসন, a religious posture fa vourable to devout abstraction. যোগিনিদু, গধুলিদু, কাকতন্ত্রী, a light and wakeful slumber. zarsi), čanst, West, sts martā, šrst, an abstract devotee, an ascetic, a pretended devotee, a weaver. zatzst, zsurg, utal, Ego-F, Hzw, in, at the time of, through, by means of, together with. cutst, seigo, fads, or, sots, fit, suitable, proper, sufficient, worthy, clever, able, capable, qualified. rators, solos, oral, fitness, ability, suitableness, &c. rators, -os, footfi, a cockle-shell, oyster shell, any bivalve shell. . [maker. tators, zatylfagi, ses, uniting, &c. a professional matchrasota, firritor, ratysor, Fifi root-t, to add, unite, cement, match; a measure of four cos or 8 miles. : rufuori, worsts, fuel, first-sal, owl, a union, addition, sup , ply of materials, a negociating of marriages. ogle