
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

556 সাঙ্গঙ্গf wis, oitw, æsts, tštsytfir, an entanglement, intricacy, confusion, disorder, a rumple, rumpling. লাটিম, খেলিবার ৰজ্ঞ, a plaything, a toy, a top. [pole. mň, mā-last, so, a stick, cane, staff mace, bludgeon, strow, goia, conso, nois, to shake, agitate, move, to wave the hand, to displace, shift, remove. লাড়, ছেদ্বিত শস্যের মুল,হেলাল, সরাণ, stubble, a shaking, &c; shaken, displaced. &c. * * * totatists fiers, a kind of sweetmeat balls, comfits. লা, লাখী,— পদাঘাত, a kick, [caper. vorst. &ei, vre, s' ers, rafs, ajump, leap, spring, flounce, strofol, offs, zool, overleaping all bounds, insolent, bold. লাঙ্কন, লস্ক করণ, কুন্দন, আস্ফালন, উৎপৰম, to leap, jump, frisk, spring, flounce, vault, canter, gallop. লাৰণিক, লৰণাক্ত, লৰণসম্বন্ধীয়, লোণ, লৰণৰিক্রেত, salted, dressed - with salt, of or relating to salt; a vender of salt, a salt-dealer. [saltness. জাৰণ্য, সৌন্দর্ঘ্য, অৰণরস, beauty, gracefulnes, loveliness, wrs, Reirís, enfe, sinte, sn, fr, «stw, gain, profit, advantage, benefit, acquisition, earnings, income, produce, interest, discount. wrsarz, rrifswR+, FR, gainful, profitable, advantageous. জাভভূক্ত বৃদ্ভিীৰ, *ens, living on interest; a usurer, money-lender. [cess, gains. wispots, sorow, ofton, profit and loss, degree of sucলাম্পট্য, কামুকত, xífssti,lewdness,lasciviousness,fornication. win 1, is, two, fails, slaver, dribble, saliva, spittle. লালচ, অতিশয় পৃহা, লাভেচ্ছা, লিঙ্গ, লোভ, strong desire, cove↔ tousness, avarice, a lure, inducement. _. massol, warsonto, so, inordinately desirous, greedy, - covetous, avaricious. [carefully. wins, asson, was row-ris tins, to caress, fondle, nourish vijesni, smērsriteitsi, fờioni, tors, zvrsti, ardent longing, excessive desire, eagerness for, coveting, avarice, an inducement, lure, allurement, enticement. ntwan,"Infor,—for twrữ,covetous.greedy,very desirous. -- - alc