
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

596 সতত্ব srg-i, rr, gs, sirw, sw, startwn, dress, decoration, ornaments, furniture, equipage, trappings, harness, accoutrements, armour, apparatus, preparation. [dorned, &c. afss, savow, oxorus, armed, accoutred, dressed, aneg, Frar, Rostossi, a collection, accumulation, heap, hoard. [board. sĩgựa, sins sạa, Reitúa, to collect, gather together, save, sist, or stro*.**tto, collecting, accumulating, &c. thrif. ty; a collector, accumulator. সঞ্চার-ণ, গতি অথৰ শক্তি দাম, ব্যাপার, আগম, উপস্থিতি, অনুষ্ঠান, সPক্রম, sfugs,communication of power or motion, production of things by the power of motion, an infecting by contagion, access of disease, a commencement, transition, entrance into a sign, a dislocation. সঞ্চায়ী, ব্যাপক, স্পর্শে ছটানিয়া, *otors, acting upon, infect. ing, commencing. [lated, saved. sists, wrots, offs, collected, heaped up, accumusis, fowth as, accompanied with a commentary. się ra, orargo, to run away, flee, escape, slip away. zīșar, Tú, HF oro, a way, path, road, narrow path. stol, off;ws, offsto, wroti, long and narrow, tall and thin, oblong, perpendicular. soleto, “rol, Tälett, a narrow lane, an alley. aroon, sifswil,--Towl, it story of", a long narrow canoe. stya, essa, frosya, to rot, putrisy, become tainted, spoil. সড়া, । পচ,fবগড়,মই, offs, rotten, spoiled, tainted, musty. sors, orsyth, sites, a committing to memory, practice. srșirșra, faistra. Este, to tingle, to itch. সখ, উত্তম, শুদ্ধসত্ত্ব,পৰিত্ৰ, সাধু সভ্য,ঘথার্থ, ৰন্ধমান পরমার্থ good. excellent, pure, holy, virtuous, true, proper, right, heing, existing, God or the ever-present and all-holy Being. সত্তত, সর্বদ, নিরস্তুর, নিত্য, always, ever, continually, incessantly; eternal,incessant,continual, perpetual.