
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

614 সহমরজ। sin, gwifr, ten, frn, corn, grain, fruit, the kernel, &c. সহ, সহিত, সমভিৰ্যাঙ্গারে, এন্ত, ভোগী, with, together with, in company with; affir: enduring, suffering. সহকার, সহকারিত,–সাহাষ্য, অমুকূলতা, প্রতিপালক, aid, assistance, help, instrumentality, co-operation, patronage, a patron, helper, &c. সহকারী, অনুকুল, সহায়, সঙ্গী, মিত্র, T-Tit, co-operating. &c; an assistant, helper, co-adjutor, ally, patron. সহস্ৰীড়, ৰয়স্য, খেলাড়ু खाई, a play-fellow, play-mate সহগস্ট্রী, সহগামিনী, —সতী, চিত্তারূঢ়া, চিতারোহিণী, a Sati or woman who burns on the funeral pile of her husband. *Eston, footrotra, concremation, or burning of a widow. *S*, wors, sta, stiã, as, an attendant, follower, as: sociate, companion, friend. so, testà, infessistã, wità, attending, accompanying, moving with. confidante. sĩsvật, #ỹ, siới, s#an, a female attendant, companion, সহজ, অকঠিন, লঘু সামান্য, স্বাভাষিক, লিণ্ড, অন্তর্জাত, এককালীন wis, wit.to, easy, trivial, common, light, slight, trifling, ordinary, natural, inherent, innate, born with one, cognate; a full brother, a twin. stow, waistra, too, Tos, easily, without force, quietly, tranquilly, at ease. soft, ran extra saxifoist o, a wife married according to the ritual of the Veds, and a sharer in her husband's merits. [tain, endure. sora, serss orga, sta aer, to bear, suffer, support, sus signinn, fr:, fyzrais, stā, izts «s, enduring, patient of capable of suffering, &c. [able, &c. story, or, of asa cutoff, endurable, tolerable, support. sizati, Hà, wasy, fra, sizrg, Hel, attending, present with: a follower, attendant, adherent, friend, as: sociate, companion. soath, so wroi, nois, Hwata. a co-residence, dwellingto: gether, associating. [ing of a widow. *Inga, etųffs fssifizs Erząet, concremation or the buru" Coogle