
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হেঙ্গম 669 थ्रले, टश्ठे,- अनुकड़. अबमङ, टर्कीका, भाभिड, विमङ्गीड्ड, डेभूज़ दा torol, bowed, stooping, bent, put or brought down, submissive; an upsetting, overturning, tilting. [prone. হেটমুখ, মৃমুসা, প্ৰণত, অধোৱাল, with bent face, cast down, rozè, wors, stratrs, down, below, downwards. হেতু, কারণ, জাদি, âu, o, trutus, uto, a cause, origin, source, occasion, spring, motive, reason, pretence, excuse, plea. टइडू-क, भिविड-क, छदनr, झूजक, ब्रfबङ, aff: because, for, on account of, for the sake of, originating in, arising from, caused by. হেতুক, কওঁ, কারক, son sy, sows, an agent, active cause, instrument; causal, &c. trgsi, srzaw, wifsst, erwtwww, causation, causality, operation as a motive, &c. [tools. costs, wrotats, arms, weapons, implements, instruments, rest, TS,–aetzer, wo, got, here, hither. [tank, &c., trawl, wintstfos •lwfous, overgrown with weeds as a স্বেদ্যান, চাহম, অতিশয় পূহ করণ, প্রয়াস করণ, কৃশ ছপ্তম, to long for, sret after, pine, waste away. rrx, MH-t, so, Iru, so, as, like, the same. zŕn, xá, sns, gold; zvrsti, vrásTH, a goldsmith. rows, warrascos, oftswin, the cold season, winter. try, sfursty, Es, ng, son, to be given up, untenable, indefensible, despicable, mean, base, vile. दृश्ङ्गख्चाम, जबूछाम, अदछ, अथक, फूकटदाथ, a mean opinion, low idea, disregard of, disesteem, contempt. roga, zoets, for soa, warmtow, to look, behold, see, view, o observe, regard steadfastly, gaze,stare,survey. व्श्जन्, मा मामम, अबू जामम,ज्रबाश्ड़ खड़१, लच्दम, छेजम, ৰোকম, জতুম, swrw, twiwa, wrots, to neglect, disregard, despise, slight, transgress, violate, to heel, lean to one side, incline, bend, to totter, stagger, toss about, shake, vibrate, wave to and fro, reel, roll. Af -- -ol