
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

60 উৎপা Gagstics, astru, statif, an umpire, prompter, auxiliary, director of religious ceremonies. [lers. উত্তরস্থান, visorstein, an inn, place of refreshment for travel§easota, orgssosts, an inheritance, succession. TBFrätz, RefY:STER, a prevarication, deceptive reply. §eatya, Toso offs, the sun's path N. of the equator. teetha, egist, the outer Hindoo garment. खेखड़ी, डेखङ्गीश,—डेज़मी, tors, the outer Hindoo garment, brahminical thread. [wards, subsequently. Raras, Ritêta, vf-sto, northern, posterior, northerly, northşarzan, zat, sztgotā, to-morrow, on a future day. [ther. testatus, of stfo, vigols, more and more, further and furউত্তর্ভুনা, ধমকান, costfa, a threatening, importunity, dunning. tears, eosa, stors, an overflowing, running or boiling over. ēsta, fr. Ewe, having thefaceor palmupwards, shallow. উত্তানশয়, উন্মুখ, wrote, lying face upwards; an infant. tearoi, orsi, otoi, heat, ardour, zeal, distress. §ators, otors, to heat, make hot. [or alight. উত্তারণ, পার ক-, পৌঁছান, মামান, to ferry over, cause to arrive tead, stors, Soo, offsetts, arrived, delivered, rescued, o having surmounted a difficulty. &ga, own, high, lofty, tall. erouai, wroni, off, a furbishing, polishing, dunning. terators, erga, ow, to raise a weight, elevate, boil over, overflow. *ass, affs, foss, rejected, abandoned, vexed, disgusted. Reara, sitcotors, to rise, stand erect. **tar, Reaga, eon, to overflow, boil over. =gra, è«tora,—Satwa, to raise, elevate, excite, stir up. fats, Rorators, sittstow, erection, elevation, rising up. Es orga, Got TF, FF, to leap up, mount. Ea ofā, av, production, a production. è- vra, wiweites, produced, arisen from. == ørn, afn, :\R, a blue lotus, water-lily. . ex offrät, *wfriit, id: a collection of water-lilies. 3. vita, Reviva, to root up, eradicate, eradication. --ജ്