
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

86 कु-छे কড়ক, কড়ম,—কল, অঙ্কুর, সন্তান, sta, a scion, sucker, stalk, descendant, heir, cause or original; a rattle. *șw otrā sfè, sist, the stalk of a potherb, end, point. agal, “Roo, hard, compact as a cement, &c. arşi, sòs, gegn, frist, a ring, chain, link, saucepan, a straw, a corn on the foot, a cowry. zosto, wrotra, with effort, gratingly. * *gifroi, fist stori, a reckoning by cowries, keeping ac浪 counts in cowries. [composition. arștă, fotsreizes, orgæ, tawny, dark-coloured ; cement, of s, zoolos, asso, a cowry, wood, firewood, a beam, a ring. zofors, sow, oysto, to heal, begin to heal as a sore. assassà, of Fort, wrots, ontol, a beam in a building. - কড়িকৃষ্ট, *fşEstenri,–zwrs, goia, covetous, niggardly, venal. sform, kot, wesota, rich, wealthy. sfygtist, azt, wers, the bit of a bridle. [in taste. *Fai, ağ, fors, Egri, pungent, rancid, bitter, disagreeable কৰ্ভূৰুভূ, **w, sawa, any harsh, rattling or grating noise. stră, rota •ricars swirth, a grittiness or substance dried on the sides of a vessel. [bone &c. , fờa mas sús-sw, the sound of biting or gnawing a কণ, জীৱ, অণু, বীজমণি, ৰীণাদির স্বর, cummin seed, an atom, particle, eye of a seed, facet or spark of a gem, note of a stringed instrument. [long pepper. sal, so, fog, stors, a particle, spark, drop, gravel, grit, șațR, «oísta, a goldsmith; a certain Muni. *fa, Revote, the corners of the nails, the growing over of the nails at the sides. assol, cort, fog, oo, a particle, grain, drop, atom. **, *s, *rks wrotaso, the elbow. [hollow vessel. ***folg, à èforsi, ringing, sounding as an instrument or কণ্টক, কাটা, সুচাগ্র, লোমাঞ্চ, ক্ষুদ্রশতু, দুঃখজনক, a thorn, prickle, fish-bone, the point of a pin or needle, a skewer, horripilation through fear or joy, a paltry foe, any cause of pain or trouble. ogle