পাতা:নদীয়া-কাহিনী - কুমুদনাথ মল্লিক.pdf/১১৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

yVb . काशोशा-काश्मोि । D DL t DD K KBD CLLDB DYD g DDD SsLL EgE স্থাপিত করে । * * ggBDBDBB Dt DD DDB DiuuutttLLtDiiBD B DDuuBtL LKD DDD DB DBEDB BBDB KLBLBLLD DBDDK DDBD BDB DBBDDD gBBDBD D DDtBBt LBB BDDS DLLtK DDD BBLBLDB BDD BD LHBDDLDLL KDK HBDBB BBDD DBBDD C SYKDDB BB DDDS LL LBig D DD D CB BBDDD GLBD BDBK KDD L S LDDDB DrEEStD DED DDBD KBDK DBBD DBBSSSLDD LS SDD DDB tt KtLDBBuu DD BKYSYKGDS DBDD Dttut DDtt S S LLLLLLLLSLSLSLLSLLLLLLGGLL LLSLLLLLSLLLSLSLLLSLSLLLLLSLLLSYGL lik. a "On my return a few days afterwards along the same two rivers, from dawn to dusk, as I steamed along these 2 rivers for some 6o or 7o miles, both banks were literally lined with crowds of villagers, claiming justice in this matter. Even the women of the villages on the banks were collected in groups by themselves; the males who stood at and between the river-side villages in little crowds must have collected from all the villages at a great distance on either side. I do not know that it ever fell to the lot of any Indian officer to steam for 4 hours through a continued double street of suppliants for justice; all were most respectful and orderly, but also were plainly in earnest. It would be folly to suppose that such a display on the part of tens of thousands of people, men, women, and children has no deep meaning. The organisation and capacity for combined and simultaneous action in the cause, which this reinarkable demonstration over so large an extent of country proved. are subjects worthy of much consideration," Vide Sir J. P. Grants Minute of 7th Sept 86o.

  • Vide the different Minutes and the animated correspono dence that ensued between the Government of India and Sir, J. P. Grant.