বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন


উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

1Ꮾ Tai. The length of days and nights in countries so situated is always the same ; for they have but one day and one night; the sun continues to shine for six months in the year, the other six they are in to tal darkness. - Pup. Does the sun rise and set to all places at the same time 2 Tut. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, consequently to all those places in the east the sun appears first, and proceeds by degrees to those in the west : hence, when it is 12 o'olock here, it is only 6 in the morning in England. And to som: places in the west. the sun is just rising at the time it is setting here. Pup. What occasions the difference in the seasons of the year, as spring, summer, autumn, and winter 2 Tut. The sun's going to the north and south, Pup. How wan this be, since the sun does not

move 2 Titt. It is common to speak of the sum as moving ; but it is the earth that moves, and it is the different pos ons of the earth in respect to the sun, namely, the inclination of its axis to the sun that causes the difference in the seasons. Pup. For what purpose are the seasons made chaugeable? 湖 Tut. To produce the general happiness of men, and to promote vegetation. - Pup. But should we not be better without the cold season 2 - Tul. By no means : even the winter is productive of much benefit, both to us and the earth, as it contributes to our health and the fertility of the land. The