
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

18 earth must have rest as well as men ; so that we ought to be thankful for the winter's cold as well as for the summer's heat. Beside this, when it is winter with us in the northern part of the giobe, it is summer with the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere. And surely we are not so selfish as to wish to monopolize all the favours of Heaven it, ourseives ! Pup. But spring ! I am, desighted with spring. Tut. Have you considered why the sprìng sở much delights you ? it is partly owing to your have ing just emerged out of the void season, which gives you a more lively perception of the happy change, as a lit of sickness gives additional enjoyment to re. stored health. The spring yields you singuiar pleasure, as a time of premise. What appeared dead hefore, begins then to assume new life, and presents you with the pleasing hope of the succeeding fruitful seasons. Pup. Is the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter alike in all places * Tut. No ; the summer in England is little hotter at tuid-day than the winter in this country. DIALOGÜE II. (Continued.) Pup, Are there mot other Hights in the firmament beside the sum and fixed stars : Tut. Yes, there are the planets; but they shine only with borrowed light. Բաք, What are the names of those planets? Tut. That which is nearest the sun, we call Mercury; the next Venus; then comes our earth