
উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

86 Pup. Is tbere any thing farther to be observed ? Tut. Each have their weapons of defence; and they know, when they are sick, what will relieve them. They know the element in which they are te live, and their own proper food; they know how 1, build their habitations—(of this kind, the heavers seein to approach the ilearest to human sagacity :) they are able to distinguish their enemies, and to understand each other. Pup. If they uudersiand each otlier, have they then a language peculiar to themselves : Tots. They certaiuły have what is equivalent to it: this appears from the different sound, that lions, bears, wolves, horses, &c. make in diderent sitnatioiıs. Pup. Have they passions like ours? Tut. Yes, they have natural affection, joy. grict, sympathy: they have likewise anger and resentment, jealousy, &c. It may here also be observed, that the mature and disposition of each remains the same ; the horse is spirited and full of fire, the lamb mild and gentle ; the hare timid, aud the dog watchful, and faithful to his master. *. Pup. Oh how muréh are we indebted to our kind Creator, who has made all these subservient to us! 爱 -