পাতা:পারসীক অভিধান.djvu/৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

$2 of another's property, while oue is in possession of property of his own. Moreover, the public order which has recently been issued, that in the chief and subordinate tribunals, the languages and the character of the province shall be used instead of the Persian, which was formerly in vogue, will be greatly assisted by this compilation. This work contains about two thousand five hundred current words, arranged in alphabetical order. The greater part of them are Persian, though some may he Arabic. And those who are well acquainted with both languages, know that where it is necessary to put the words down in alphabetical order, it is extremely difficult to put down the Persian words in their right places, according to their correct pronunciation; as the Bengalee alphabet does not supply letters for representing both the Persian letters Kwaf and Kaf, and Jeem and Jus. Though there is much differ'ence between the Bengalee letters under which they have been placed, yet there was no remedy. But this does not aflett the meaning of the words, for these Persiau words have always been represented in Bengalec by these letters; and no censure can, therefore, attach to me. In this work, when it appeared disficult to obtain suitable Bengalec words for the Persian cxpressions to designate the thing, Persian words have been used. Thus Seeah and Soonee, Juvun, &c. are still retained, as the Hindoos have nothing like Secahs and Sounces they have not the name; and the words are inserted without alteration. This rule will apply also to other words,