পাতা:বঙ্কিম-কণিকা - বিমলচন্দ্র সিংহ.pdf/৫৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বঙ্কিম-কণিকা The most important matter which I have got to communicate to others is the fact that when on the 6th of April, but two days before he breathed his last, I met Bankim in his bedroom he confided to me the request, “let not my biography be written by anyone except one of my two grand-Sons.” I am not aware what may have led him to entertain a feeling of this kind ; but I can only express my hope that if my countrymen have any regard for Bankim they will religiously observe the injunction. Bankim as he developed became justly devoted to our ancient Hindu Culture. But he never went to the extreme of avowed antagonism to the West such as I fear some have been leaning towards during the last four or five years. To my mind one of his grandest difficulties was his hopeless effort to reconciling St. Baul’s conception of Christ and God-man with the IBrahmanic Synthesis Brahma & W or Great Being. It is not for me to say what my countrymen will accept as their final creed. But I have one suggestion to after in the present connection. I think it would be no more than worthy of the friends and admirers of Bankim to try to combine Eastern and Western methods in consecrating his memory for the benefit of posterity. Brahminic Com 88