পাতা:বঙ্গভাষা ও সাহিত্য - দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন.pdf/৭২৬

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у68 देशछाषा ७ जाहिउा Trojan War, Greek Colonies, Egypt, Persia, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Alexandria. Cyprus, Judea, Carthage-notices of Adam, Noah, caste and its influence. 127. INDIA,BAIDANATH BANERJEA'S HISTORY of, Bharatbarshiya Itihas, Sar, 2vols., pp. 352, 1848, Ch. P. I Re. 8 as, Compiled from Manu, Jagyavalka, the Ramayan, Mahabharat, Rajabali, Brooke's Gazetteer, Marshman's History of Bengal. One object of the book is to oppose the views given in Marshman's India which the author thinks are too much against the Brahmans and in favor of Christianity. This book treats of-a defence of Hindu Chronology, ancient Hindu kings, their residences, mode of Government, origin of castes; solar and lunar races: Vikramaditya: Kulinism introduced: Moslem invasion : Portuguese in India : English arrival and Conquests down to 1843. To those wishing to gain a summary of Hindu history, as given by an "orthodox Hindu,” from the Ramayan, Mahabharat and Puranas, this book is very useful. 128. INDIA, HISTORY OF, by Gopal Lal Mittra, Bharatbarshiya Itihas, pp. 20I, J. P., 1840, published under the patronage of the Committee of Public Instruction. Treats of Ancient India, and of events previous to the Portuguese Conquests. On the plan of Marshman's - an account of the early inhabitanis of India-the Solar Race-Ram - the Pandavs-BuddhistsAlexander-Magadh-Moslems-Patans-Portuguese-leaves out those parts of Marshman's against Hinduism. 129. INDIA, J. MARSHMAN'S HISTORY OF, Bharatbarshiya Itihas, 1831, Ser. P., 2, vols., S. B. S., Treats from the arrival of the English in India to the Marquis of Hastings' Administration, nriginally published at 8 Rs. now sold for 2 Rs, 13o. INDIA, HISTORY OF, Rajabali, 18O8, last ed. 1838. By Mritunjay, head Pandit in Fort William College, a native view of Indian history, see an analysis of this work in Ward on the Hindus; gives the Hindu and Moslem Rulers of India down to Timur. 31. INDIA, HISTORY OF, by Nabin Pandit, Sarabali, 1846, I Rei pp. 162, Roz. & Co. Taken from the Mahabharat, Keightley's History of India, Marshman's Ditto, Indian Youth's Magazine, Stewart's Bengal. Treats of the Ancient History of India in the times of the Pandavas, of Krishna, Vikra