পাতা:বঙ্গভাষা ও সাহিত্য - দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন.pdf/৭৪০

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বঙ্গভাষা ও সাহিত্য سرما را Thorns are Buds, Buds, Balls on Trees, Smell of Flowers varies, (9) Flower contains Seeds, Corolla, Calyx, Stamens, Pistil, Pollen, Bees, Honey, Flower opening (IO) Seed in Pulp, Pod, Nutmeg, Passion Flower, Fir Cones,Oil from Seeds, (II) Grass, its peculiar Leaves, Use in Embankments, Oats, Flint in Straw, Sugar-cane, Bambu. 182. QUESTIONS, 258, ON NATURAL HISTORY, Roz. & Co., Prashnavali, pp. 16, I am. Roz. & Co by J. Long. Questions on the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, taken from objects in this country-designed to call forth the curiosity of young people and shew them the wonders existing in common objects arround them. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. In 1816 was published at Scrampore, Jyeautish, a Work on Astronomy, In 1833 a very useful serial, was started by a Society called the European Science Translating Society, under the superintendence of Professor Wilsou, J. Sutherland, and others, called the Vigyan Sebadhi, comprising the following subjects in NATURAL PHILOSOPHY-ASTRONOMY, Iiy DRO. STATICS, MECHANICS, OPTICS, PNEUMATICS: the work was patronised by Government, and by a number of natives, but no encouragement was given at that day to popular education, and the Publication stopped after reaching I 5 nos. In 1833 Maha Raja Kali Krishna publishcd, in Anglo Bengali, an INTRODUCTION TO TI Í E ARTS AND SCIENCES, pp. 1 22, compiled and translated, by himself, giving in Catechetical form definitions and short explanations of the following subjects-logic, physics, meteorology, tides, the Belles Letters, fine arts, astronomy, geography, &c. &c. In 1834 he gave a Diagram of the Solar System for the use of schools, compiled and translated by himself. 183. ASTRONOMY, Ferguson’s Abridgment of, by Yates, Ist cd. I8 Io, 2nd ed. I 833, S. B. S., pp. 157. By the Brothers Palit and JBrajamohan Majum lar, a friend of Ram Mohan Roy's. Treats of the earth's motion, shapc size, the sun, plants, gravity, light, Venus' transit. length and breadth of the earth, tides, the stars, eclipses. A Work of a similar kind was published in 1834