পাতা:বঙ্গভাষা ও সাহিত্য - দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন.pdf/৮০০

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۹۳ दशडांस ७ नांश्ऊि 466. (T.) Sutyeanarayan, Krishna, the true Vishnu, by Rameshwar Acharjyea, Bi. B. 1855, pp. 24, as. 467. Srimat bhagavata inrita, Ni. P., 1855, the original by Goswami relates to the 14 worlds, the eight quarters, Vaikantha, Brindaban, tr. by Jay Gobinda Chandria, Zemindar. VEDANTIC WORKS. agagerus gg (S. B.) Abataranika, 1824), pp. 12, by Ram Mohan Ray, on 12 qulestions, with their answers and proofs from the Bhagavat Gita, on Worship, God's spirituality.--Bhedgyan timir Mihira day, 1848, pp. 72, by Ram Gopal Tarkalankar.-Brahma Putalika Sambad, 1820, by R. Ray. Conference between an idolator and true believer-Guru Paduka, by R. Ray, pp. 6, 1823, reply to the Chandrika's defence of idolatry. (S. T.) shopanishat, by R. Ray, 1816, pp. 26, last ed. 1835. One of the chapters of the Yajur Veda on God's unity, the mystery of his nature showing that eternal happiness is only from his Worship. Tr. into l'English by l)r. Roer. ( S. T. ) Ke la Upanishad, it col. 1818. (God's unity from the Shyam Veda, tr. by R.M. Ray. (S. T.) Mundak Upanishad, by R. Ray, 1819, \t extract from the . \tharva Veda, which treats of mystic theology and metaphysics, has been tail slatcc int) Persian, Latin, French German and English. Prasanna Kunar Thakur's Prarthana, 1823, pp. 4, call to tolerant views towards Christians and idolaters on the part of Vedantists by Prasanna Kunar Tagore, Ram (handra's 4 Vedantic Discourses, SS Praty'cakha Jyan Dipika, by K. ( . 13ose, $29, pp. 23. Argues that the air God. ( S. B. ) Rain Gita, 1840, 63. Pr. P., \ mctaphysical disquisit() on the world and God, according to Vedantic principles. Pathcal Prada medicine for the sick, by R. M. Ray, 2nd cd, S. P., 1849, pp. 238. 1 R Shikha Pancha, by Shangkar Acharjea. (S. T.) Sankhyca Bhasha, by Ram Ja Trkalankar Ser. J 8 I 8, pp. 168, Vecelanta, i 8I 5, R. M. Ray's resolution on t Vedas, contains the Isha, Kena, Katoa, Mundika Upanishads compendio" digest with notes, Vedanta Chandika, 67 pp, explanation of the Vedant system. Vedanta Kaustabhakhyean, 1850, Shangkar Acharjea on Vedantis