পাতা:বর্ত্তমান জগৎ দ্বিতীয় ভাগ.pdf/৫৪৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

first treats the gods, the second of the Red Branch Knights of Ulster and their contemporaries; the third is the so-called Ossianic, Of the Ossianic, Finn is the chief character; of the Red Branch cycle, Cuculain, the hero of our tale, Cuculain and his friends are historical characters, seen as it were through mists of love and wonder, whom mem could hot forget, but for centuries continued to celebrate in countless songs and stories. They were not literary . " 4. ܊ phantoms, but actual existences. And as to the gigantic stature and superhuman prowess and achievements of those antique heroes, it must not be forgotten that all art magnifies, as if in obedience to some strong law; and so even in our own times, Grattan, where he stands in artistic bronze, is twice as great as the real Grattan thundering in the Senate. . . . . . . I have endeavoured so to tell the story as to give a general idea of the cycle, and of primitive heroic Irish life as reflected in that literature, laying the cycle so far as accessible, under contribution to furnish for the tale” ' S SSDuDDD DDBDBDBES DDDuuBB S DDDDBDD BBDDB DB সত্য-কিন্তু ইহার ফলে সমগ্র আইরিশ জাতির চিন্তা নূতন পথে ধাবিত । হইয়ছে। গেলিক ভাষা দেশের ভিতর পুনরায় মুপ্রিশ্নঠিত হইতে