পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্থ খণ্ড).pdf/১৯৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

167 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিল : চতুর্থ খন্ড right to have a free life in their own homeland and whose kith and kin in Bangladesh are today victims of the civil war imposed on the people by an invading army and their proteges. Should you be one who would like to see our homeland smile again with freedom and be prepared to pledge your spare-fund and spare-time to the emergence of a new nation out of the ashes of our ruined lives then join us and help us to raise the amount we need. We expect the first hundred sponsors to pledge to contribute and/or collect £100 each during the first year of launching the campaign. The new body will be non-partisan and non-sectarian in its approach to various problems related to the attainment of freedom for Bangladesh and multi-national and multi-racial in its composition. Anyone interested in the activities of the campaign may join as active members, supporting members or sympathizers. Should you be interested to get further details please get in touch with the undersigned?. Yours sincerely. ΗΟW CΑΝΥΟU ΗΕLΡ ΤΗΕ FRΕΕΙΟΟΜ ΜΟVΕΜΕΝΤ OF BANGLADESH-A Guideline. 1. Form an action committee wherever you may get together at least Five supporters of Bangladesh. It may be your place of work or of residence or of recreation. To start with, we recommend that all Bengali restaurants should be constituted as campaign centers for the Bangladesh movement and collection centers for fund and relief material. The committee should select an appropriate address for receiving mail and a place for meeting purposes. (We shall be prepared to help you with a model constitution and assign one of our colleagues in setting up your committee.) 2. The Committee should then get in touch with various national and international organizations who are campaigning for Bangladesh and try to secure moral and material aid for the freedom fighters and/or the victims of occupation army of West Pakistan. Ask these organizations to send you their literature, publications etc. Distribute them among your contacts. 3.The freedom fighters in Bangladesh, the Provisional Government of Bangladesh, the campaign for solidarity with Bangladesh-all of them need financial support to carry on their work. So create a fund for your committee. Open an account with a local branch of a bank. Appoint two trustees to operate the account. Persuade each member of your committee to contribute at least a pound a week to the Liberation Funds Persuade your contacts and associates to contribute to the fund. Small collections should be made in sealed boxes, which can be had from international and national relief and/or campaign organizations. Contributions of over a pound should always be receipted. Ask for receipt books from national and international campaign bodies.