পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (চতুর্থ খণ্ড).pdf/৭৩৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

705 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিল : চতুর্থ খন্ড war of liberation in East Pakistan and your forces there are treated as occupation forces. The savagery with which the strike has been made has engendered hatred of West Pakistanis among Bengalis and the rifl between the two wings now is top deep to be repaired. In fact, the basis of nationhood has been buried under mutual hafted and fear. It is not at an far-fetched to think that the epitaph of Pakistan has been written in the mangograve of Meherpur. Your government in the eyes of the world stand guilty of the crimes of genocide and dismemberment of the Pakistani nation. Your government has also caused grave harm in many other ways. It has defiled Islam by killing innocent people or at least being the cause of their death and by destroying human habitations including places of worship. The crisis in East Pakistan threatens the security of 65 million Muslims living in India. The course of action adopted by your government has escalated a war situation between India and Pakistan. It has driven East Pakistan into the arms of India-a disservice which just cannot be forgiven. On top of everything you have set in the process of class war in East Pakistan-a social jolt which may affect the stability of entire South Asia for a long time. Under these circumstances, in your quiet moment you will appreciate yourself that it is not possible for me to be associated with your government any more. I have waited long enough to see one rational move by your government. I am essentially not made of a native official under colonial masters. I have always chosen to state my views without fear but such a situation does not exist anymore in Pakistan. As such I am afraid, at this stage I have to be content with living abroad. In clear conscience I cannot go back to take my rightful place as a civil servant as long as your military stranglehold continues in East Pakistan. It looks abundantly clear now that the cause of Bangladesh alone will free the country (its both wings) from the oppressive, illegitimate and savage usurpation of power that has now taken place in Pakistan. I have no option therefore, but to support the cause of Bangladesh and affirm my loyalty to that cause. I can assure you, Sir, that I am expressing the sentiments of every same civil servant working under you who are afraid to speak out on account of the reign of terror that obtains in the country. I would like to conclude with a personal prayer for you. I would like to believe that you are a man of sincere intentions but have become victim of galloping circumstances. I would, therefore, hope that you would soon shake off the evil influences or else dissociate yourself from the current tragedy. May Allah show you the path of righteous-ness and you find time to seek forgiveness for the sins for which perhaps you are unwittingly responsible.