বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/১০১৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

988 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড Hain, Peter 122 Halpern 280 Halyorke. Keith (Prime Minister of New Zealand) 701-02 Hammel, BuroÐ 874 Handlin, Oscar 470 Hannah. John (Dr.) 255 Hunnisdahl, Signnd 676 Hausard 705 Hanu, Dale de 217 Hardin, Garret (Professor) 429 Harrington, Michael J. 226. 312, 391.678 Harris, Fred R. 277-78. 307.400-01407-1 || 469 Harrison, George 679 Harnson. Selig S. 319 Hart. Ajan | 94 Hart. David 191-92 Hart. Judith (Mrs.) 8, 26, 51,72-76, 7677, 82, 84-85, 86.99 Hart (Senator) 356, 363-64,409, 41 I Hartake (Senator) 309, 363-64 Hotfield, Mark O 280–83, 284, 309,409 Hartmann, Hermann 473 Hurt sough David 538 Hastings, John (Rev.) 54,125 Healy, Darns 1-2, 5, 15, 16.24, 35-40,42, 64-65, 70-72, 76–77, 80, 95-96, 161,617 Heath 127 Heijden. Hendrik Vander 626 Heisenberg, Warner 470 Helms. Richard M. 251–53, 255, 256, 256, 258, 259, 26.1, 264, 266, 267, 268 Helsinki Socialist International Council Conference resolution 617 Helstoski (Mr.) 418-19, 434-36 Hendry. Alexe 179-80 Hennis, Wilhelm 473 Henri, Paul Marc 892 Hickman. R.C. (Dr.) 179 Hilaly (Ambassador) 896 Hillen. Ernest 191 The Hindustan Times 147. 909 Hither 947. 967 Ho Chi Minh 464 Hollander, Robert 473 Hollen, Christopher Van 209, 214-16, 217-18, 255, 257,258, 261, 262, 264, 309,489-91 Hollingworth, Clare 163. 165. 174-76 Holyoake. Keith 712-13 Hook. Sidnye 473 Horowitz (Mr.) 707 Hoskanson, Samuel 255. 259. 264 Howard. Juin 190 Huang Hua594-95, 598.603-04, 929 Huda, M. N. (Dr.) 292 Huddlcston 184-85 Hughes, Harold E. 301, 309, 363-64,497 Hughes. H. Stuart 473 Hulbauer. Gary 465 Humphrey. Hubert H. 301,363-64.409. 41 492 Husain, Arshad 9 Husen, Thorsten 470 Hussain (King) 266 Hussain. Muzaffar 471 Hussain Shakwat 130 Hyter, Teresa. 74-75 f Hemolo. Aituro Corlo 473 Ignatieff, Paul 519 Ilchman, Alice 297 Hichman. Warren 297 The Illustrated Weekly 909 findian. Ron 550 Indian Army 429-30 indira Gandhi Relief Fund 540-4 | Indo-Soviet Joint Statement 559-60 Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace. Friendship and Co-operation 559-60, 562, 596, 600,965 Indonesian National Group 618 Indus Basm Agreement 41 İnkeles, Akx 545 Innaali (Professor) 292 İnternational Commission of Juris's 721 - 22. 730.757, 762, 767-68. 769 International Committee of the Red Corss Mission in Pakistan 402 International Conscience in Action 144 International Council for Voluntary Agencies 692-93