342 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড The "peace committee" came, they poured petrol on our homes, and when we ran out they robbed us of our valuables and, if we resisted further, we were shot by the Punjabi soldiers. What is the "Peace Committee"? Apparently, these are bands of local hoodlums which are sent by the army as an advance guard to bum and loot. The Government of Pakistan has said it was necessary to take action against "miscreants," yet it seems that the army is encouraging the worst elements in each community to be shock troops. Arguing further against the stated resumption of normal life in East Pakistan is the fact that the new wave of refugees is almost entirely Hindus. Here again we find it difficult to avoid using the term "genocide," for once the army established what it has told the world is "law and order" it then selected the Hindus for extinction or for expulsion. When one speaks of the eventual normalization of East Pakistan, I trust we do not intend to be deluded by the facade of a "Quisling" government. A government established must truly represent the people of the region and must be responsive to their wishes. The Awami League is now outlawed, and one can only urge the Government of Pakistan to allow that duly elected party to take its electorally mandated control. Frankly, Mr. Speaker, it does not appear within the range of rational hope that a reversal of the bloody policies of the past months will occur. As a brief example of the cast of mind of the army, consider Martial Law 148-the text of which appeared in the pro-government newspaper, Pakistan Observer, of April 27. A brief excerpt follows: MLO 148. Death Penalty for damage to Government Property 1. Any person or groups of persons causing damage, tampering with or interfering with working of the roads, railways, canals, aerodromes, telegraph, telephone, wireless installations or with any government property will be liable to legal action under MLR- 1414, which prescribes the maximum punishment of death. 2...................................................................................................................................................... Inhabitants of the surrounding area of all or any such affected place or places will render themselves liable to punitive action collectively................................................. Mr. Speaker, such collective responsibility for actions against the government troops is all too reminiscent of similar tragedies in Europe. It is hard not to say that the Government of Pakistan has tried to create a desert so they can call it peace. Is it any wonder that he control over the distribution of food in East Pakistan must also be severely questioned and in my judgment, must be done exclusively by international agencies? The calculated reign of terror destroyed the civil government inside East Pakistan and it is unlikely that the army could, or would, distribute food on an equitable basis. Indeed, there is considerable doubt in my mind whether he terrorized populace inside East Pakistan would accept food if it were offered by the army. After the devastating flood and cyclone last November, there were reports that Bengalis would not
পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৩৭০