514 ংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ ত্রয়োদশ খন্ড শিরোনাম সূত্র তারিখ শরণার্থী সমস্যার ওপর ডঃ কার্ল ই. টেইলর-এর ডঃ কার্ল ই. টেইলর জুলাই, ১৯৭১ প্রতিবেদন STATEMENT BY DR. CARL E, TAYLOR ON... At the suggestion of Dr. William Greenough I am writing a brief report on a recent trip to India to work with our research projects. I was born in India and have spent approximately half of my life there, mostly in research, teaching and service in the villages. On this trip I was immediately caught up in a wave of discussion built on long and intimate friendships with many officials at all levels. I have never seen the intensity of anti-American antagonism that we have nowgenerated. Even more than usual, the highest officials are trying to be polite in order not to aggravate an already explosive situation. I admire the caution and considered restraint which the Indian government is maintaining in the face of growing pressures from the people and the parliament and in spite of what seems to them to be callousness and misunderstanding from abroad. It is my considered judgment that present U. S. policy is dangerous and shortsighted. We are contributing to producing another chronically ulcerating center of war and disruption in Asia. United States military and economic support for Pakistan is pushing India into some sort of military action. It is obvious that direct military invasion of Bangladesh would make India subject to international blame for having accelerated the splitting of Pakistan. The hattred of West Pakistan among Bengali Pakistanis is matched only by their terror of the ruthless "burn and kill" activities of the Army. Official Pakistan policy is to shift the blame for the present trouble to India and the 10 million Hindus in East Pakistan even though the now outlawed Awami League was Muslim led and gained over 98% of the elected positions in the winter elections. If Pakistani officials succeed in shifting the blame this will provide a rallying point to prevent the breaking up of the provinces of West Pakistan. Since Indian officials seem wise enough not to be seduced into direct military action, they are forced into indirect measures to relieve the present intolerable situation. A sticking feature of the refugee camps is that they contain mostly older people, women and children. The implications for prolonged guerrilla warfare are staggering. Because of Chinese commitments to Pakistan for once the USA cold have been on the side of freedom rather than supporting the status quo ofa military oligarchy. Most resented in Delhi is the hypocrisy of the present U.S. posture. They ask bluntly how we think we can fool both sides by declaring a ban and then continuing arms shipments. When the $ 70,000,000 emergency relief grant for refugees in India was announced the day after the news broke on the sailing of the first two ships loaded with munitions, the general reaction was "do they think they can buy us off?" Then quickly they presented simple arithmetic of the inadequacy of our relief gesture. Indian officials estimate that just feeding the 6 plus million refugees is costing at least 1"- million dollars
পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (ত্রয়োদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৫৪২