পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (দ্বাদশ খণ্ড).pdf/৭২৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

Uసిసి বাংরাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ দ্বাদশ খন্ড cherished possession of mankind and it is the duty of the world to rally behind our nation in order to save that life and to compel, if by nothing else, by the force of world public opinion Madhya Khan not to proceed with his plan of a cold-blooded and deliberate murder of one of the finest creation of modern civilization and human race, This is all that I say. I hope these are the sentiments in the hearts of everybody here and I still expect the Prime Minister on behalf of us, on behalf of the whole country to voice the anguish and concern of the nation and also raise the voice of protest against the calculated plot to murder a great man, a great patriot and a great possession of human society as a whole. SHRILOKANATH MISRA: After hearing Mr. Bhupesh Gupta I did not miss the presence of Sarder Swaran Singh. SHRICHITTA BASU (West Bengal): Mr. Chairman, Sir, allow me to say that a great tragedy is imminent. The tragedy is not only for the 75 million people of Bangladesh but it is also a tragedy for the millions of people of our Country. It is not only a tragedy for us, but it is also tragedy for humanity as a whole. One of the greatest fighters for freedom is steadily going to mount the gallows. No freedomFighter in the world can take things lying low. Therefore, the sentiment which has been expressed by many, not only in this house but also outside the House, Should be given proper respect and we and the Government of India should also try effectively to give expression of the people of this country to the international community as a whole. While expressing these sentiments of mine, I would like to know this from the hon. Minister, In this connection, it has been made clear by many outside and even in this house that there are certain countries in the world which still today think that the trial of sheikh Mujibur Rahman's a domestic affair of the Pakistan Government. I do not mention the names. West Pakistan has got no law of its own save the law of the jungle, They have got no court, except the star chamber, If There is any court today particularly in this matter, it is the captive court and the conclusion is foregone, As I mentioned earlier the tragedy is imminent. In this context there is a great role to be played by the great powers. In this connection, our Government has also written to many countries. Particularly may I know what has been the reaction of the United States of America? I mention the United States of America because I am convinced... AN HONOURABLE MEMBER: China also SHRICHITTA BASU: I am coming to that, I am convinced that Yahya khan could not have gone to this length had he not been consistently and persistently supported, aided and abetted by the United States of America. Therefore, if President Yahya Khan is a criminal, allow me to say president Nixon is no less a criminal in that case, Therefore, may I know what has been the response from the United States of America to the appeal made by our Prime Minister? In this connection. I would also like to know whether any letter has been communicated to the Chinese Governments, in this respect. When we have sent letters to all Governments, whether friendly or hostile, on this humanitarian question of saving the life of a great patriot of this age has any such appeal been addressed to the Chinese Government? If so, what has been their reaction to that appeal?