পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (পঞ্চম খণ্ড).pdf/৪৬৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

439 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ পঞ্চম খন্ড have built up a force of 50 thousand men." Naturally, the Newsweek correspondent has been extremely conservative about the number of guerillas. It goes on to say: the guerillas have been highly successful in harassing Government troops, and many western analysts feel that the rebels success is likely to continue. Yahya does not have enough troops there now to curb the guerillas." The Guardian of London writes "recently the Mukti Bahini have struck several times in the very centre of Dacca-usually with bombs and on several occasions mounting conventional attacks". It further writes "in the Gopalganj area, south of Faridpur, where the Mukti Bahini are well established, they appeal to have a special political cadre which although armed, spends most of its time explaining to the peasantry what is happening in Dacca." ১৫ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১ "Bengal guerillas step up number of assassinations and bombings" was the headline of the London Times of Nov. 9. It writes "the guerillas are trying to close down all higher educational institutions in East Bengal on the ground that they are controlled by Pakistan army". It further says, "the number of political assassinations have increased sharply in the last few days. Yesterday a rightwing politician appointed by the Pakistan Govt. to serve in the future provincial assembly was killed by sub-machinegun fire." That the Mukti Bahini are serving notices on the people who are collaborating with the occupation army and giving them enough time to rectify themselves are also evident in the report of the Times. It says, "the guerillas have threatened to kill all members of the peace committees, all officials appointed by the martial law authorities and anyone else actively cooperating with the occupation army." It further reports "the Bengali civil servants who have stayed at their jobs have generally been warned that they are under close observation by the guerillas and that more than token cooperation with the government will be punishable by assassination. 11 About the heavy casualties that the occupation army is suffering, is also evident in the report of the Times. It says, "military morale is understood to have declined and the increasing number of army casualties have apparently made it impossible to continue a former policy of flying the bodies of officers back to West Pakistan for burial."

Current week's the Newsweek Magazines of United States also suggests that Pakistanis are fighting a losing battle. Yahya Khan is engaged in a unwinnable war. It says "Pakistan army has only the deepest notion of guerilla warfare. While the Soldiers are close door on the border the Mukti Bahini seem to have the run of East Pakistan. The Government has attempted to combat the insurgent with Razakars, but the Razakars harm the government more than they help it." That the effect of employing Razakars has become counterproductive and leads to alienate the people more in favor of the Mukti Bahini. The Newsweek says "these repressive tactics of Razakars when applied against the people have turned most Bengalis into Mukti Bahini's supporters". The senior Editor of the Newsweek Magazine Arnaud de Borchgrave asked the people whether they wanted