পাতা:বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্র (পঞ্চম খণ্ড).pdf/৫১৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

493 বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধ দলিলপত্রঃ পঞ্চম খন্ড borrowed arms. Islamabad is welcome to taste a bigger defeat this lime. He should remember what the Indian Defense Minister has just said. He said: This time war would be fought only on West Pakistani soil. Whether Yahya actually starts a war against India or not, he can cleanly write off Bangladesh. Bangladesh is destined to be free perhaps before the end of the year. Another laughable aspect has been an unwanted advice of Yahya to Mrs. Indira Gandhi. After hurling abuses, that are characteristic of his bad breeding at the Indian Premier he went on to warn that an independent Bangladesh would mean the beginning of the end of the Indian Union. It seems that even after so much trouble the fellow is totally incapable of understanding the laws of politics or history. He fails to see that the people of Bangladesh opted for independence only after it was made clear that their union with Pakistan only means an endless subjugation that has all the characteristics of classical colonialism. If there has been any genuine effort on the part of the usurpers of political power in Pakistan to treat Bangladesh as a partner with full democratic rights history-would have moved along a completely different course. In India, Yahya fails to realize, the very practice of democracy does not allow outright colonization of one region by another. It is in this democracy lies the root of Indian unity. Because the reactionary clique led by the army will never allow democracy to flourish in Pakistan, disintegration of what was once Pakistan would not halt with the parting of Bangladesh alone. Even the feeble union of West Pakistani regions would eventually snap and perhaps no less bloodily. Because there exists a no less crude form of exploitation of at least three other regions by one. The domination of feudal Punjab in the armed forces, in administration and industry and commerce was responsible for the Baluch rebellion of 1959-a rebellion that was ruthlessly suppressed with the world knowing little about ii. In fact, it was this success that encouraged the killer junta to undertake the murder mission against the people of Bangladesh. As things are moving now-within a matter of years the very name of Pakistan will vanish from the surface of the earth. Only the people of Pakistan by rising in arms against the vicious clique and its class allies like Bhutto can stave off this logical inevitability. ৯ নভেম্বর, ১৯৭১ US PEOPLE FORCE NIXON STOP ARMS FLOW The United States has suspended all future arms aid to Pakistan. According to State Department spokesman Charles Bray the decision to revoke the license granted to Pakistan for 3.6 million dollars worth of military hardware was reached several weeks ago. The time taken to announce the decision has been attributed to the technicality of informing the Congress first. On the face of it, the announcement signifies, at least, partial victory for a large section of the American people and their elected representatives to the Congress.