বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাংলাদেশ কোড ভলিউম ৩৩.djvu/৪৮২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অর্থ আইন, ২০০১ 8 ԳՎ) ae(4) For the purposes of sub-section (2) and (3) the audit agencies appointed by the Government under section 25A and an employee of that agency shall be deemed to be the officers of Customs.” 88-F l Customs Act III section 215A (ARĪ ofETốfFoi TGF section 215A প্রতিস্থাপিত হইবে, যথা: ae215A. Supply of information and copy of decisions.- (1) Upon an application of a person directly interested in a decision taken by a customs officer under this Act, the Commissioner of Customs or an officer authorised by him shall, subject to payment by the applicant of a fee specified by the Board, deliver within 15 (fifteen) days, of the application, a true copy of that decision with a certificate that it is a true copy: o & Provided that a copy or other copy or reproduction of the (2) certified copy shall not be admissible as evidence or otherwise accepted in any court of law. No to Upon an application of a person directly interested in a decision taken or omitted to have been taken by a customs officer, the Commissioner of Customs shall - - - - - - - - - inform that person in writing within a period of 60 days of the application the reasons for such decision or omission.” S Act IV of 1969 usq section 215A (SEI 8« I Customs Act ® section 216 ®t <R £• *TJ* Act IV of 1969 4 section 216A সন্নিবেশিত হইবে, যথা: O ae216A. Bar to filing of cases in civil courts.- No suit, case or any application shall lie to any civil court, except the N courts, tribunals and authorities authorized by or under this Act, for the purpose of determination of the legality or propriety of an order or decision, as the case may be, regarding levy, imposition, exemption, assessment or realisation of customs duties or taxes made by an officer of customs or by the Board or the Government.” 8 b l Customs Act (ET FIRST SCHEDULE È SITĀTET তফসিল-১ এ বর্ণিত রূপে সংশোধিত হইবে। TER section 216A এর Act IV of 1969 els FIRST SCHEDULE toos সংশোধন o