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vÝAVASTHA DARPANA. 764 in the form of a loan, be rendered with interest: the words "with interest farriddhims' must not he supposed a discriminative of (stridhan) “the woman's teparate property,” for supposing this to be the case, savriddhi would be the proper form in which the word would appear.” () Merely the principal'.-Here the insertion of the word “merely” is intended to preclude (the payment of) interest. (1) “But if' &c.—the meaning of which is, that if the husband, after making use of the se parate property of one wife, reside with another wife, and neglect the former, he shall be compelled by the ruling power to restore such property, even though it had been amicably lent." 韃 (s) Food and rainent."—Should the husband not allow his wife the necessaries of life, food, and clothing, then she may, if immaculate, require the supply of food and raiment which is her due.* (h) 'She may eract her own;'—that is, her due supply of food and raiment. Srikrishna’s commentary on the Dáyabhāga. Coleb. p. 77. (a) “Dwelling,'—place of residence.” (i) “A share,'—that is, on the death of her husband, she is to receive from his co-heirs, his younger brother, and the rest, the share to which he was entitled.” What has been promised to a woman by her husband, as her exclusive property, must be delivered by his sons, provided sho remain with the family of her husband; but not if she live in the family of her fathert.—Kātyāyana, • Consequently,– There is no harm in not delivering to a woman who resides, of her own autho rity, with the family of her father, what has been promised to her as her exclusive propertyt. This is intimated by Kályāyana himself:– “But a wife who does malicious acts injurious to her husband (e), who has no sense of shame (o), who destroys his effects (k), or who takes delight in being faithless to his bed, does not even deserve the stridhan (stridhanam na cha sárhatit)” Kinsmen, resuming the exclusive property of such a woman, may take it to themselves. The Fivádachintámani.† (e) “Arts injurious to her husband,”—the administering of poison or the like.t (0) ‘Who has no sense of shame;’—who goes to other towns on false pretences or the like.t (k) “Who destroys his effects P-who incurs expenses for immoral purposes.f • W. Daí, Kra. Sang, pp. 44,45. * Coleb. Dig. vol. III. 585.

Mr. Colebrooke renders the phrase “Stridhanam as chasirhati."—by "is held unworthy of the property above described;"—but this does not # to be accurate, the verbatim translation of the passage being 'na'–does not, 'eka'– even, sárhati-deserve, ‘stridhanam,'—woman's own property (in general, not the above described alone.)

Wyawa8tha', Authority.