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DIGESTED INDEX. LXXXVII. Page. 514 The father of several sons may, of his own authority, and the mother of several sons may, with the assent of her husband, give a son in adoption to a person, who is of the same class or caste, destitute of a son, son's son, and son's grandson in the male line, and not a prohibited relation. ... ... 922 Mussummat Taramunee Debea, Appellant, tergus _Deb Naraen and Bishen Pursaud, Respondent. 10th of July, 1824, S.D. A. R. vol. III, pp. 387–390. .. ● 岑 ... 932 515 Though prohibited by the sages and Digest-writers, the gift of a son by one having two sons is seen in practice; and it is not declared invalid by the courts of justice. . . 馨够攀 受 ● 感●● 参 é * 朗 弟勉 瞻 瞬 急治 冷 审 9:26 516 A woman may, however, give a son of hers in adoption, without her husband's assent, if he be dead or have emigrated. 邸 够 * * * 娜8够 * * * 邻 够 9.28 Substance of the legal opinions delivered in the several Courts of Judicature, and examined and approved of by Sir William Macnaghten 参见 會 An only son cannot be given in adoption : (But see the note.) An only son cannot be & adopted according to the dattaha form— Macn. H. L. vol. II. pp. 178-180 .. 海 多 930 Wito CAN AND who CANNOT BE ADopter). 517. A boy who is of the same caste, and who is not the only son of his father, and not disqualified, or a prohibited relation, is eligible for adoption. ... * * {}} |. See the ease of Digumburer–Con. H. L. p. 166-174 ... s & 必 ● 够象通 * * {}54 The adoption of an only son is valid, būt both the giver and receiver incur sin. - Case o the Rajah of Tanjore. - Morley's Iligest, vol. I. p. 16 * * 始够娥 - - 兹 * {)60 Kora Shumko Takoor versus Beebee Munnce. East’s Notes, Case No 20 .. - - * * § {}{} 518 Although a father having two sons is prohibited to give one son in adoption, yet the adoption of a boy having an only brother is seen in practice; and it is not declared invalid by the courts of justice. - - - - - - - {}}{} By parity of reasoning, -- 519 The younger of two sons, who has not his elder brother, but has his son, in existence, may also be adopted. * * * - - - - - 够 部 睿 总 - - 钴台 520 As an only son, so also an eldest son, must not be given in adoption, althougl several sons exist. * * * * 哆 蛾 * * * * * * * * * * * {}38 The case of the Rajah of Tanjore. Morley's IOigest, vol. I. p. 16 ५ ५ - - ! st:() Sreemotee Joymony Dossee trrsus Sreenotee Shibosoondry Dossee. March 28th, 1837, Fulton's Reports, p. 75 - - * * 始 * - - - - - - x- - - 岭 唤 够曾得 ዓና0 52. The boy with whose mother the adopter was not prohibited to contract a marriage or to have carnal knowledge of, is eligible for adoption. s so {}4() See the case of Diguuburee Cow.. II. L, pp. 166-174 ... 啤 够哈 * * - - $1.4 Kora Shunko Takoor rersus Beebee Munnee. East's Notes, case No. 20.. * * • * {{) 52.2 Accordingly, the brother, paternal and maternal uncles, daughter's son an sister's son are excluded. 漫 电 er a & & * * * - - • * to - - {}{} The case of I)i*umburee. Com. H. I.. pp 166-174 * * * * & s 8 $345 Kora Shunko Takoor versus Beebec Munnee. East's notes, Case No. 20 .. • s» * * {}{\{} 523 A sister's son or a daughter's son may be adopted by a Shitdra. ... 总 鲁 {}锣 5.24 Even amongst the boys of one's own caste, the boy who is related as a sapinda is preferable to one who is not so. - - - * * * * wo ● * 哈 {j}{ 525 The sapinda belonging, to the same general family is the first (in rank : ) on failure of him, such kinsman of a different general family. & & 4 - - {}{{} 526 If there be a sapinda of a different gotra ( general family) and a person of the same gotra, but not a sapinda, the former is first in rank. ... 910 Vyavâ8thà Precedent vyavastha 33 l’recedent vyayasıha Precedent 3 * &愛 vyawastha vyawasthh Preecile, 3 y vyawastha l’rgoedent,

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vyawaštlın l’recedent 3 * vyqwugthg 3 * 3 s.