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VYAWASTE1A.DARPANA. I 140 dressed grain, dyspepsia; a stealer of holy words, or as unauthorised reader of the Scriptures, dumbness; a stealer of clothes, leprosy; a horse-stealer, lameness.-The stealer of a lamp", total blindness; the mischievous extinguisher of it, blindness in one eye; a delighter in hurting sentient creatures' perpetual illness; an adulterer, windy swellings in his limbs. Thus, according to the diversity of actions, are born men despised by the good, stupid, dumb, blind, deaf, and deformed. Penance, therefore, must invariably be performed for the sake of expiation; since they, who have not expiated their sins, will again spring to birth with disgraceful marks.—Asano, Chap. XI. v. 48-54. So also Fishnu : —They who have suffered the pains czperienced in hell, and have passed through the reptile state, have the marks of their yet unexpiated crimre in the human form; an atrocious sinner becomes leprous; the slayer of a priest is afflicted with marasmus ; a drinker of spirits has black teeth; a stealer of gold has whitlows on his nails; the violator of his preceptor's (guru's) bed has a deformity in the generative organs.—Coleb. Dig, Vol. III. p. 813. Also Shátátapa :-The morbid mark proceeding from a heinous erime is reproduced in geven successive births: (the right of inheritance) is obstructed by malady; but that is removed by the first or common penance and the like. And so is leprosy, marasmus, gonorrhoa, and dysentery. The stranguery or suppression of urin, the stone or gravel in the blader or kidneys, cough, diarrhoea or dysentery attended with sever, fixtula in ano, fistula, kerophula or inflammation of the glands or of the neck attended with pustules or boils, the palsy, the destruction of an eye or eyes : these and other diseases are said to be occasioned by heinous crimes.-See Prāyashchittatwttwa, nud Afafamávu-tuttuca, nlso Coleb. I)ig. Vol. III. p. 813. Skif.stana again:—The piles or hemorrhoids and other ( similar) diseases of men are caused by crimes in the excessive degreet. The crimes in the excessive degree are 'carnal connection with a mother, daughter, sister, and son's wife.”—A text of Wishnu cited in the Priyawāchitta-tattva. There are also diseases occasioned by the crimes in the third degree; they are the ascites or dropsy, liver, spleen, the cholic; tumors, carbuncles, or buboes, asthma, indigention, fever, vomiting, forgetfulness, loss of reflection, the goitre or throttling, the eruption of a red colour (considered as the first step of leprosy, ) the measles, small-pox, water-pox, &c.; these do not, however, exclude from inheritance.—See the Malamána-tattva.

  • “The stealer of a lamp,” &c. This Vachana or text is not in the primted Institutes of AManu ; but is found in Medhátiti's commentaries on, and in Sir William Jones' translation of the of Menu: the translation of the last foot of the verse found in the former is “he who does not hurt any one 端o: disease, ( i.e. is healthy, ) instead of an adulterer (has) windy swellings in his limbs, as in the

r. t The crimes in the excessive degree are twice more atrocious than those in the first degree : in the Institutes of Manu, they are, however, included in those in the first degree. * 113